XE 1104

UTA e-mail accounts

Spring 2004


Every student at UTA is automatically assigned a UTA Exchange e-mail account.  The University requires that all students regularly read email sent to this Exchange account.  Any information that the University needs to send you will be sent to that account.  Therefore it is mandatory that you receive mail sent to your Exchange account.  This sheet should help you to get into your e-mail and show you how to permanently forward your Exchange email to another email account, if you should wish to do so.


Setting up your Exchange account

From the browser (Explorer works better for the things we are doing) type http://www.uta.edu/exchange on the Address or Location bar and press the <enter> key.  You will see a logon screen appear.  You will be prompted for you NT username.  Your username has the following format:  fmlnnnn, where fml stands for your first, middle, and last initial and the nnnn stands for the last four digits of your UTA student ID number.  If you do not have a middle name or did not provide one to the registrar, you middle initial will be replaced with an x.


After you enter your username hit the <enter> key.  A dialog box will pop up asking for your username and password.  Enter your username again and your password.  Initially your password has the following format:  yyyymmdd.  Where yyyy is your four-digit birth year, mm is your two-digit birth month, dd is your two-digit birth day.  After entering the requested information hit the OK button.  You will be prompted to change your password.  After entering the new password, you will be sent you to your exchange inbox.  Your email address will be your NTusername@exchange.uta.edu  (fmlnnnn@exchange.uta.edu).


Forwarding messages from your Exchange account

If you would like all messages sent to your Exchange account to be automatically forward to another email account that you use more regularly you can do so by using the following link:  https://eservices.uta.edu/exchangeforward .  Using this application will forward all Exchange email to the personal email address you provide.  After you do this your Exchange mailbox along with any messages in your Exchange inbox will be permanently deleted.  Be sure that before using the email forwarding application that you have saved to a floppy any messages already in your Exchange inbox that you want to keep. 


After your mailbox is deleted you will not be able to directly access your Exchange account.  Any future emails sent directly from an address on the UTA Exchange server (somebody@exchange.uta.edu or somebody@uta.edu) to your Exchange address (you@uta.edu) will be redirected to the new email address you specified.


If email is sent from a non-UTA Exchange account (somebody@omega.uta.edu or somebody@yahoo.com) to your Exchange address (you@uta.edu), that email will be lost and will NOT be redirected.  You should be sure your contacts know to send email directly to your preferred, non-UTA Exchange email address.



On Friday, April 30th, an email will be sent to your Exchange account.  Before that time you need to access your account and get your new password set.  If you would like to have your emails forwarded you may do that also.  Either way you should send yourself some test emails to be sure that you are receiving emails.  You will need to turn in during class on May 3rd or 4th, a printout of the email that you are sent from us.  Print the email out using your email program so that we may see at what address it was received along with your Name and last four digits of student id.