Jean X. Gao, Ph.D.
Professor, FAIMBE
Computer Science and Engineering Department
University of Texas at Arlington
Email:  gao AT
Phone: 817-272-3628

Research Interests:

Research Lab website: Biomedical Computing and Intelligent Systems Lab (BioMeCiS)

We have focused on developing efficient algorithms to solve computational problems in basic medicine and clinics, while making theoretical and fundamental contributions to machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistical pattern recognition, and computer vision.

  1. Gao Image


PhD, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University
MS, Biomedical Engineering, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
BS, Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Medical University
      (a six-year joint program with Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Work Experience

  I have joined in National Institute Health (NIH) as  a program director under National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) from the spring of 2024 and I can be reached by "".


Please check the lab web page.


Major Research Community Services:

 Editorships and Editorial Boards

 Advisory Panels

 Organizers and Offices at Professional Society


We gratefully acknowledge the support from the following sponsors for our research:


Computer Science and Engineering Department
538 Engineering Research Building (ERB)
University of Texas at Arlington
500 UTA Boulevard
Arlington, TX 76019
Phone: (817)272-3628
Email: gao AT

Office Hour:
Tue, Thu:            12:30pm -- 1:30pm.
Mon, Wed, Fri:    by appointment