PROJECT DEADLINE: November 30 (9 pm CST)


Please follow the following instructions. Any deviation from the instructions listed below will result in lost points from your project scores.

á          You are expected to turn in the following documents before the deadline is over:

o     Project source code with instructions to compile. It is very important that there is a readme file that provides detailed step-by-step procedures to run the underlying code. Inaccuracies in the readme file will result in your project being perceived as faulty. Note: Please do not include any executables (this will go to the JUNK folder directly). Only the source code is expected here with detailed instructions on compiling and running them. Also, include information on platform dependency and all relevant information on using the code.

o     Project document, which is essentially a polished version of the project design document, but should also include some experimental results, e.g. charts of running time versus input size, etc. It should also contain explanation of the underlying theory and adequate content on your findings throughout the course of this project.

o     Power Point Presentation: Every project (single or 2 member) team is expected to prepare a 4-minute presentation and send it along with the project submission. This will be used on Dec-1 and Dec-3 as class talks. The schedule for these talks will be posted on the website at a later date. Please stick to the Microsoft Power point format with a .ppt or .pptx extension. If you do not have Microsoft office, please use a school computer (Labs or Library) to do a conversion.

á          Programming projects: All the above components are required.

á          Research projects: The document and the PPT is required. If you have source code on any associated implementation that you have performed, please use instructions from above to send them over.

á          Instructions for emailing the above files:

o     Email the files to the TA's email address and CC to the instructor.

o     The subject of the email should be CSE5311-GD-FALL09 PROJECT SUBMISSION.

o     In the body of the email let the first line be CSE5311-GD-FALL09-PROJECT-SUBMISSION: <lastname1, ....>. Starting from the second line you can write whatever you write in your email.

o     Please follow the above emailing details accurately. Any deviation to this may result in your email being JUNKED and you loosing all your points for the project.

á          Late submission policy: All submissions are expected before the deadline. Submissions that are a day late will loose 30% of the project grades with another 30% loss in grades with the next day and so on.

á          Please email or meet the TA before the deadline with any questions or queries on the project submission.

á          All files submitted are final. The PPT file cannot be updated or modified between the period between the submission and the actual presentation.