Probabilistic Reasoning

Jesus A. Gonzalez

July 23, 2016


Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks: Example

Bayesian Networks: Example

Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks: Example

Bayesian Networks: Example

Bayesian Networks: Example

Bayesian Networks: Example

Bayesian Networks: Example

The Semantics of Bayesian Networks

Representing the Full Joint Distribution

Representing the Full Joint Distribution

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

  1. Nodes:
    • Determine the set of variables required to model the domain
    • Order the variables: \(\{X_1, \dots, X_n\}\)
      • Any order works but the resulting network will be more compact if variables are ordered such that
        • causes precede effects
  2. Links: For \(i = 1\) to \(n\) do:
    • Choose from \(X_1, \dots, X_{i-1}\), a minimal set of parents for \(X_i\), satisfying equantion (3)
    • For each parent insert a link from the parent to \(X_i\)
    • CPTs: Write the conditional probability table, \(P(X_i | Parents(X_i))\).

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

A Method for Constructing Bayesian Networks

Compactness and Node Ordering

Compactness and Node Ordering

Compactness and Node Ordering

Compactness and Node Ordering

Compactness and Node Ordering