Divide and Conquer
Jesus A. Gonzalez
July 17, 2019
Divide and Conquer
Divide and Conquer
- Merge sort is an example of a divide-and-conquer algorithm
- Recall the three steps (at each level) to solve a divide-and-conquer problem recursively
- Divide problem into subproblems
- Conquer problems by solving recursively
- Combine solutions to solve the original problem
- Recursive case: when the subproblems are large enough to be solved recursively
- Base case: when subproblems are small enough that we don’t need to use recursion any more, we say that the recursion bottoms out
- Recurrences are essential for the divide-and-conquer paradigm
- Give a natural way to characterize the running times of divide-and-conquer algorithms
- Recurrence
- An equation or inequality
- Describes a function in terms of its value on smaller inputs
- Worst case running time for MERGE-SORT
- This recurrence has solution: \(T(n) = \Theta(n \lg n)\).
- There are many forms of recurrences
- A recursive algorithm dividing subproblems into unequal sizes, \(2/3\) to \(1/3\) split, with divide and combine times linear
- \(T(n) = T(2n/3) + T(n/3) + \Theta(n)\).
- Linear search, each subproblem has one element less than the original one
- \(T(n) = T(n - 1) + \Theta(1)\).
- Three methods for solving recurrences, for obtaining asymptotic \(\Theta\) or \(O\) bounds on the solution
- Substitution method
- We guess a bound
- Then use mathematical induction to prove our guess correct.
- Three methods for solving recurrences, for obtaining asymptotic \(\Theta\) or \(O\) bounds on the solution
- Recursion-tree method
- Converts the recurrence into a tree
- Nodes represent costs incurred at levels of recursion
- Use techniques for bounding summations and solve the recurrence
- Three methods for solving recurrences, for obtaining asymptotic \(\Theta\) or \(O\) bounds on the solution
- Master method
- Provides bounds for recurrences of the form \(T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)\)
- \(a \geq 1\), \(b > 1\), \(f(n)\) is a given function
- This is a recurrence that solves a problem that was divided into \(a\) subproblems, each subproblem is \(1/b\) of the original size, and divide and combine takes \(f(n)\) time
- Has 3 cases, need to memorize
- Sometimes we will use recurrences that are inequalities
- \(T(n) \leq 2T(n/2) + \Theta(n)\), to get an upper bound on \(T(n)\), with \(O\)-notation
- \(T(n) \geq 2T(n/2) + \Theta(n)\), to get a lower bound on \(T(n)\), with \(\Omega\)-notation
Technicalities in Recurrences
- Some technical details when we state and solve recurrences
- In a call to MERGE-SORT with \(n\) elements, when \(n\) is odd we use subproblems of size \(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor\) and \(\lceil n/2 \rceil\), we ignore this and treat it as if \(n\) were always even
- Boundary conditions are usually ignored
- i.e. algorithms for sufficiently small \(n\) have \(T(n) = \Theta(1)\), then we omit statements on boundary conditions
- We often omit floors, ceilings, and boundary conditions
The Maximum-subarray Problem
The Maximum-subarray Problem
- Invest in the Volatile Chemical Corporation
- Allowed to buy one unit of stock only one time and then sell it at a later date
- Allowed to know what the price of the stock will be in the future
- Goal: maximize profit
The Maximum-subarray Problem
- Lowest price at day 7
- Buy at lowest price and sell at highest price? NOT always
The Maximum-subarray Problem
- Highest profit: buy at 7 (day 2) and sell at 10 (day 3)
- Day 2 is not the one with the lowest price, nor day 3 is the one with the highest price
A Brute-force Solution
- Try every possible pair of buy and sell dates (buy precedes sell date)
- Period of \(n\) days has \(\binom {n}{2}\) pairs of dates
- \(\binom {n}{2}\) is \(\Theta(n^2)\)
- Best we could hope is to evaluate each pair in constant time and approach would take \(\Omega(n^2)\)
- Can we do better?
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
- We have an array \(A[low .. high]\)
- In divide and conquer we divide the subarray into 2 subarrays of equal size as possible
- Find midpoint of the subarray, and get 2 subarrays \(A[low .. mid]\) and \(A[mid+1 .. high]\)
- But any contiguous subarray \(A[i .. j]\) of \(A[low .. high]\) must fall in:
- Entirely in subarray \(A[low .. mid]\), \(low \leq i \leq j \leq mid\)
- Entirely in subarray \(A[mid+1 .. high]\), \(mid < i \leq j \leq high\)
- Crossing the midpoint, \(low \leq i \leq mid < j \leq high\).
- A maximum subarray of \(A[low .. high]\) must have the greatest sum over all the three cases stated before
- We can find subarrays of \(A[low .. mid]\) and \(A[mid+1 .. high]\) recursively
- Not for subarrays crossing the midpoint
- We do it without recursion
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
- How does this procedure work?
- What is its running time?
- Number of iterations: \((mid - low + 1) + (high - mid) = high - low + 1 = n\)
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
- Lines 1,2 is the base case
- Lines 3-11 handle recurssive case
- Line 3 does the divide part, computes mid
- Left subarray \(A[low .. mid]\), right subarray \(A[mid+1 .. high]\)
- Lines 4 and 5 do the conquer by recursion
- Lines 6 to 11 are the combine part
- Line 6 finds max subarray crossing the midpoint
- Line 7 tests if left subarray contains max sum
- Line 9 tests if right subarray contains max sum
- Line 11 returns max subarray if crosses midpoint
Analyzing the Divide-and-conquer Algorithm
- Which recurrence describes the running time of the FIND-MAXIMUM-SUBARRAY procedure?
- Assumption: the original problem size is a power of 2, all subproblem sizes are integers
- \(T(n)\), denotes running time of FIND-MAXIMUM-SUBARRAY on subarray of size \(n\)
- Line 1, constant time, line 2, constant time, line 3, constant time
- Base case \(T(1) = \Theta(1)\).
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
- Subproblems in recursive part (lines 4, 5) work on subarray of size \(n/2\)
- We spend \(T(n/2)\) time solving each, we solve 2 of them
- We spend \(2T(n/2)\)
- FIND-MAX-CROSSING-SUBARRAY takes \(\Theta(n)\)
- Lines 7-11 take \(\Theta(1)\) time
- Then, for the recursive case we have:
- \(T(n) = \Theta(1) + 2T(n/2) + \Theta(n) + \Theta(1)\)
- \(= 2T(n/2) + \Theta(n)\).
A Solution Using Divide-and-conquer
- Combining base case and recursive case we have the recurrence:
- The solution to this recurrence is: \(T(n) = \Theta(n \lg n)\).
The Substitution Method for Solving Recurrences
The Substitution Method
- Now we need to solve recurrences
- Substitution method
- 2 steps
- Guess the form of the solution
- Use mathematical induction to find the constants and show that the solution works
- Powerful method
- Only applies in cases that the answer is easy to guess
- To establish upper or lower bounds of a recurrence
The Substitution Method: Example
- For the recurrence \(T(n) = 2T(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor) + n\).
- We guess a solution, upper bound \(T(n) = O(n \lg n)\)
- By definition of \(O\) we need to prove that \(T(n) \leq cn\lg n\) for appropriate constant \(c > 0\)
- We assume this holds for \(m < n\), in particular for \(m = \lfloor n/2 \rfloor\)
- This yields \(T(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor) \leq c \lfloor n/2 \rfloor \lg(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor)\).
- Now we substitute in the recurrence
- Recurrence: \(T(n) = 2T(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor) + n\)
- Substitute \(T(n)\) by \(T(n/2)\) in our guess
- Now we have: \(T(n) \leq 2(c\lfloor n/2 \rfloor \lg ( \lfloor n/2 \rfloor)) + n\)
The Substitution Method: Example
- We substitute into the recurrence: \(T(n) \leq 2(c\lfloor n/2 \rfloor \lg ( \lfloor n/2 \rfloor)) + n\)
- \(\leq cn \lg (n/2) + n\)
- \(= cn \lg n - cn \lg 2 + n\)
- \(= cn \lg n - cn + n\)
- \(\leq cn \lg n\)
- the last step holds if \(c \geq 1\).
The Substitution Method: Example
- We still need to prove that this solution is true for boundary conditions
- We do this by showing that boundary conditions are suitable for base cases of the inductive proof
- Choose constant \(c\) large enough for \(T(n) \leq cn \lg n\) works for boundary conditions
- For asymptotic notation we require to prove \(T(n) \leq cn \lg n\) for \(n \geq n_0\), we choose \(n_0\)
The Substitution Method: Example
- We avoid difficult boundary condition for \(T(1) = 1\) for the induction test (not the recurrence)
- In the inductive proof with \(n = 1\), \(T(1) \leq c1 \lg 1 = 0\), then it doesn’t correspond with \(T(1) = 1\), and base case fails.
- But we need to prove \(T(n) \leq cn \lg n\) for \(n \geq n_0\)
- And we are free to choose \(n_0\)
- We remove the troublesome boundary by removing from the recurrence by seting \(n_0 > 3\) and in the inductive proof with \(n > 1\)
- And we replace \(T(1)\) by \(T(2)\) and \(T(3)\) as base cases of the inductive proof
- We make the base cases \(T(2)\) and \(T(3)\) instead of \(T(1)\)
- Derive from the recurrence
- Recurrence: \(T(n) = 2T(\lfloor n/2 \rfloor) + n\), given that \(T(1) = 1\)
- \(T(2) = 4\)
- \(T(3) = 5\)
- \(T(2) \leq c2 \lg 2 = 2c\), \(c \geq 2\)
- \(T(3) \leq c3 \lg 3 = 4.75c\), \(c \geq 2\)
Making a Good Guess
- There is no general way to guess correct solutions to recurrences
- Requires experience and creativity
- Some heuristics
- Use recursion trees to generate good initial values
- If a recurrence is similar to another one, use a similar solution
The Recursion-tree Method for Solving Recurrences
The Recursion-tree Method
- Visualize the iteration of a recurrence
- Draw a recursion tree and obtain a good initial solution
- We use the substitution method to proof
- Recursion tree
- Each node represents the cost of a subproblem in the set of calls to recursive functions
- We sum costs per level and determine the total cost of all levels of recursion
- Useful when the recurrence describes execution time of a divide-and-conquer algorithm
The Recursion-tree Method
- To solve recurrence \(T(n) = 3T(\lfloor n/4 \rfloor) + \Theta(n^2)\)
- We create the recursion tree for \(T(n) = 3T(n/4) + cn^2\)
- We include the coefficient \(c > 0\)
- We assume that \(n\) is an exact power of 4
The Recursion-tree Method
The Recursion-tree Method
The Recursion-tree Method
- The size of the problem decreases with the depth of the tree
- Eventually, we reach the boundary condition
- How far from the root do we get?
- The size of the subproblem for a node at depth \(i\) is \(n/4^i\)
- The size gets to \(n = 1\) when \(n/4^i = 1\), or \(i = \log_4 n\)
- Then, the tree has \(\log_4 n+1\) levels \(0, 1, 2, \dots, \log_4 n)\)
The Recursion-tree Method
- After we determine the cost for each level of the tree
- Each level has 3 times more nodes than the previous level
- The number of nodes at depth \(i\) is \(3^i\)
- Each node at depth \(i\) for \(i = 0,1,2, \dots, \log_4 n-1\) has a cost of \(c(n/4^i)^2\)
- Multiplying, we see that the cost of all nodes at depth \(i\) for \(i = 0, 1, 2, \dots \log_4 n-1\) is \(3^i c(n/4^i)^2 = (3/16)^i cn^2\)
- The last level at depth \(log_4 n\) has \(3^{\log_4 n} = n^{log_4 3}\) nodes, each with a cost of \(T(1)\) with a total cost of \(n^{log_4 3}T(1)\) with \(\Theta(n^{log_4 3})\).
The Recursion-tree Method
- We sum the costs of all levels to get the cost of all the tree
- \(T(n) =\)
- \(cn^2 + \frac{3}{16}cn^2 + (\frac{3}{16})^2 cn^2 + \dots + (\frac{3}{16})^{log_4 n-1} cn^2 + \Theta(n^{log_4 3})\)
- \(= \sum_{i=0}^{log_4 n-1} (\frac{3}{16})^i cn^2 + \Theta(n^{log_4 3})\)
- \(= \frac{(3/16)^{log_4 n} - 1}{(3/16) - 1} cn^2 + \Theta(n^{log_4 3})\).
The Recursion-tree Method
- We can use an infinite and decreasing geometric serie as upper bound, equation A.6
The Master Method for Solving Recurrences
The Master Method
- Master method provides cookbook method for recurrences of the form
- \(T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)\)
- where \(a \geq 1\) and \(b>1\) are constants
- \(f(n)\) is asymptotically positive
- The recurrence describes the execution time of an algorithm that
- Divides a problem of size \(n\) into \(a\) subproblems
- Each subproblem of size \(n/b\)
- \(a\) and \(b\) are positive constants
- The \(a\) subproblems are solved recursively
- The cost of dividing the problem and combining the results is given by \(f(n)\)
The Master Method
- The master theorem
- Given \(a \geq 1\) and \(b>1\) constants, given \(f(n)\) a function
- Given \(T(n)\) defined by non-negative integers by recurrence
- \(T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)\)
- \(n/b\) can be \(\lfloor n/b \rfloor\) or \(\lceil n/b \rceil\), then \(T(n)\) has the following asymptotic bounds as:
The Master Method
- In all cases we compare \(f(n)\) with \(n^{log_b a}\)
- The solution to the recurrence is dominated by the largest of the 2 functions
- Case 1: \(n^{log_b a}\) is the largest, the solution is \(T(n) = \Theta(n^{log_b a})\)
- Case 3: \(f(n)\) is larger, the solution is \(T(n) = \Theta(f(n))\)
- Case 2: the two functions are of the same size, we multiply for a logarithmic factor, \(T(n) = \Theta(n^{log_b a} \lg n) = \Theta(f(n) \lg n)\)
The Master Method
- Some technical aspects
- In case 1:
- \(f(n)\) must be polynomially smaller than \(n^{log_b a}\)
- Asymptotically smaller than \(n^{log_b a}\) by a factor of \(n^{\epsilon}\) for a constant \(\epsilon > 0\)
- In case 3:
- \(f(n)\) must be polynomially larger than \(n^{log_b a}\)
- It should also satisfy the regularity condition that \(af(n/b) \leq cf(n)\)
- This condition is satisfied by most functions polynomially bounded that we can find
- \(\rightarrow\) the 3 cases don’t cover all possibilities of \(f(n)\)
The Master Method
The Master Method
The Master Method
The Master Method
Recursion Tree to Prove the Master Method
Recursion Tree to Prove the Master Method
- This is an a-ary tree
- It has \(n^{\log_ba}\) leaves
- It has height \(\log_b n\) because \(n/b^{log_bn}=1\)
- The costs of each level:
- First level: \(f(n)\)
- Second level: \(af(n/b)\)
- Third level: \(a^2f(n/b^2)\)
- Last level (for each leave, tribial case): \(\Theta(n^{\log_ba})\)
- Cost of all internal nodes: \(\sum\limits_{j=0}^{\log_bn-1} a^jf(n/b^j)\)
- Total cost, internal nodes and leaves: \(\Theta(n^{log_ba})+\sum\limits_{j=0}^{\log_bn-1} a^jf(n/b^j)\)
Assignment, Due date:
- Exercise 4.3-1, from the textbook
- Show that the solution of \(T(n) = T(n-1) + n\) is \(O(n^2)\).
- Exercise 4.3-2, from the textbook
- Show that the solution of \(T(n) = T(\lceil n/2 \rceil) + 1\) is \(O(\lg n)\).
- Exercise 4.5-1 from the textbook: Use the master method to give tight asymptotic bounds for the following recurrences
- \(T(n) = 2T(n/4) + 1\).
- \(T(n) = 2T(n/4) + \sqrt{n}\).
- \(T(n) = 2T(n/4) + n\).
- \(T(n) = 2T(n/4) + n^2\).