Jesus A. Gonzalez
July 17, 2019
- B-trees are balanced search trees
- Designed to work on secondary storage devices (i.e. disks)
- Similar to red-black trees
- Better minimizing disk I/O operations
- Database systems use B-trees (or variants)
- Reminder on Red-black trees (brief…)
- A red-black tree is a binary tree, satisfies the red-black properties
- Every node is either red or black
- The root is black
- Every leaf (NIL) is black
- If a node is red, then both its children are black
- For each node: all simple paths from node to descendant leaves contain the same number of black nodes
- Black height of a node
- The number of black nodes on any simple path from, but not including, a node \(x\) down to a leaf
- \(bh(x)\)
- Red black trees make good search trees
- Lemma 13.1, “A red-black tree with \(n\) internal nodes has height at most \(2 \lg(n+1)\)”
- Operations
- Rotation, \(O(1)\)
- Insertion, \(O(\lg n)\)
- Deletion, \(O(\lg n)\)
- When do we use a B-tree?
- Keeps records in sorted order for sequential traversing
- Uses a hierarchical index to minimize number of disk reads
- Uses partially-full blocks to speed insertions and deletions
- Index is elegantly adjusted with recursive algorithm
- Additional constraints, to ensure the tree is always balanced
- B-trees vs red-black trees
- B-tree nodes may have many children (from a few to thousands)
- Branching factor can be large
- Depends on characteristics of the disk unit
- Every \(n\)-node B-tree has height \(O(\lg n)\), as in red-black trees
- Height of B-tree can be much less than that of a red-black tree
- Because of its branching factor
- Base of logarithm expressing its height can be much larger
- Can use B-trees to implement many dynamic-set operations in time \(O(\lg n)\)
- B-trees generalize binary search trees in natural manner
- If internal node \(x\) contains \(x.n\) keys, then \(x\) has \(x.n+1\) children
- Keys in node \(x\) are dividing points separating the range of keys handled by \(x\) into \(x.n +1\) subranges
- Each subrange handled by a child of \(x\)
- When searching for a key
- We make an \((x.n + 1)\)-way decision based on comparisons with the \(x.n\) keys stored in \(x\)
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
- Computer systems use technology for memory capacity
- Main memory
- Silicon memory chips
- More expensive per bit stored than magnetic storage technology (tapes or disks)
- Secondary storage
- Based on magnetic disks
- Amount of this storage often exceeds the amount of primary memory (by two or more orders of magnitude)
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
- Disks are cheaper than memory but they are much, much slower
- Because they move mechanical parts
- Platter rotation
- Arm movement
- Disks rotate at speeds of 5,400 - 15,000 RPM
- 1 rotation takes 8.33 milliseconds (5 orders of magnitude longer than silicon memory)
- Silicon memory access takes about 50 nanoseconds
- In a full rotation we could access main memory more than 100,000 times
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
- Amortize the time spent waiting for mechanical movements
- Disk access more than 1 item at a time
- Information divided into equal-sized pages of bits
- Appear consecutively within tracks
- A disk read or write is of one or more entire pages
- Typical disk page is \(2^{11}\) to \(2^{14}\) bytes long
- Once read/write head positioned
- Reading or writing is entirely electronic (aside from rotation of disk)
- Disk can read or write large amounts of data quickly
- Often, accessing a page of information and reading it from disk takes longer than examining all information read
- Look separately two principal components of the running time
- The number of disk accesses
- In terms of number of pages of information (read/written to disk)
- The CPU (computing) time
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
- A typical B-tree application
- Amount of data too large
- Not all data fit into memory
- B-tree algorithms copy selected pages from disk to memory
- As needed
- Write back into disk pages that change
- Keep only constant number of pages in memory (at any time)
- Size of memory doesn’t limit size of B-trees that can be handled
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
- Disk operations
- Let \(x\) be a pointer to an object
- If object already in main memory
- If object in disk
- DISK-READ(\(x\)), to read object into main memory, if object already in memory, no DISK-READ operation performed
- DISK-WRITE(\(x\)), to save changes made to attributes of object \(x\)
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
- Because system keeps limited number of pages in main memory at any time
- System flushes from memory pages no longer in use
- Our B-tree algorithm ignores this fact
- B-tree node is usually as large as a whole disk page
- In order to read/write as much information as possible, as a whole disk page
- Read/write too expensive
- This size limits the number of children a B-tree node can have
- Large B-tree stored on a disk
- Branching factors from 50 to 2,000
- Depending on size of key relative to size of a page
- Large branching factor
- Reduces height of tree and number of disk accesses to find any key
Data Structures on Secondary Storage
Definition of B-trees
- Assume that satellite information associated with a key resides in the same node as the key
- \(B^{+}-tree\) are different, they store satellite information in leaves and stores only keys and child pointers in internal nodes
- Maximize branching factor of internal nodes
Definition of B-trees
- A B-tree \(T\) is a rooted tree (with root \(T.root\)) with the following properties
- Every node \(x\) has the following attributes:
- \(x.n\), the number of keys currently stored in node \(x\)
- the \(x.n\) keys themselves, \(x.key_1 \leq x.key_2, \dots, x.key_{x.n}\), stored in nondecreasing order, so that \(x.key_1 \leq x.key_2 \dots \leq x.key_{x.n}\),
- \(x.leaf\), a boolean value that is TRUE if \(x\) is a leaf and FALSE if \(x\) is an internal node
- Each internal node \(x\) also contains \(x.n + 1\) pointers \(x.c_1, x.c_2, \dots, x.c_{x.n+1}\) to its children. Leaf nodes have no children (\(c_i\) attributes undefined)
- The keys \(x.key_i\) separate the ranges of keys stored in each subree: if \(k_i\) is any key stored in the subtree with root \(x.c_i\), then
- \(k_1 \leq x.key_1 \leq k_2 \leq x.key_2 \leq \dots \leq x.key_{x.n} \leq k_{x.n+1}\).
- All leaves have the same depth, which is the tree’s height \(h\).
- Nodes have lower and upper bounds on the number of keys they can contain. We express these bounds in terms of a fixed integer \(t \geq 2\) called the minimum degree of the B-tree
- Every node other than the root must have at least \(t-1\) keys.
- Internal nodes at least \(t\) children.
- If tree is nonempty, the root must have at least one key.
- Every node may contain at most \(2t-1\) keys.
- An internal node may have at most \(2t\) children
- A node is full if it contains exactly \(2t-1\) keys.
- Simplest B-tree
- When \(t = 2\)
- Internal nodes have 2, 3, or 4 children
- A 2-3-4 tree
The Height of a B-tree
- Number of disk accesses in a B-tree is proportional to the height of the B-tree
- Worst-case height of a B-tree!
- Theorem 18.1
- If \(n \geq 1\), then for any \(n\)-key B-tree \(T\) of height \(h\) and minimum degree \(t \geq 2\), \(h \leq \log_t \frac{n+1}{2}\).
- Proof
- The root of a B-tree \(T\) contains at least one key
- All other nodes contain at least \(t-1\) keys
- \(T\) with height \(h\) has at least 2 nodes at depth 1
- At least \(2t\) nodes at depth 2
- At least \(2t^2\) at depth 3, and so on
- At depth \(h\) it has at least \(2t^{h-1}\) nodes
- The number \(n\) of keys satisfies the inequality
- \(n \geq 1 + (t-1) \sum\limits_{i=1}^{h}2t^{i-1}\)
- \(= 1 + 2(t-1) ( \frac{t^h - 1}{t - 1} )\)
- \(=2t^h - 1\)
- We get \(t^h \leq (n+1)/2\) (by simple algebra)
- We take base-\(t\) logarithms to both sides and prove the theorem.
- B-trees are powerful
- Save factor of about \(\lg t\) over red-black trees
- In number of nodes examined for most tree operations
- Avoid substantial number of disk accesses
Basic Operations on B-trees
- Conventions
- The root of the B-tree is always in main memory
- No DISK-READ on the root
- We do DISK-WRITE when root node changes
- Nodes passed as parameters must already have had a DISK-READ
- Procedures are all “one-pass” algorithms
- Proceed downward from the root
- Don’t back up
Basic Operations on B-trees
- Searching a B-tree
- Similar to searching a binary search tree
- Instead of making a binary branching decision at each node
- We make a multiway branching decision
- According to the node’s children
- An (\(x.n+1\))-way branching decision
- B-TREE-SEARCH accesses \(O(h) = O(\log_t n)\) disk pages
- \(h\) is the height of the B-tree
- \(n\) is the number of keys in the B-tree
- Because \(x.n < 2t\)
- While loop (lines 2-3) takes \(O(t)\) time in each node
- Total CPU time is \(O(th) = O(t \log_t n)\).
Basic Operations on B-trees
- Creating an empty B-tree
- We create an empty root node
- Then we can insert keys into that tree
- Require the ALLOCATE-NODE procedure
- Allocates a disk page to be used as a new node, \(O(1)\) time
- Requires no DISK-READ
Basic Operations on B-trees
- Inserting a key into a B-tree
- More complicated than inserting a key in a binary tree
- Search for the leaf position to insert the new key
- Can’t simply create new leaf node and insert it, would fail to have a valid B-tree
- We insert the new key into an existing leaf node
- We cannot insert if node is full
- Introduce new operation that splits a full node
- Full node \(y\) has \(2t-1\) keys
- Split around the median key \(y.key_t\) into two nodes with only \(t-1\) keys each
- Median key moves up into \(y\)’s parent, but if \(y\)’s parent is full, we must split it… and so on
- We insert in a single pass down the tree from the root to a leaf
- Don’t wait to find out if we need to split a full node
- As we travel down the tree, we split each full node we find (including the leaf)
- So, when we split a full node \(y\), we know its parent is not full
Basic Operations on B-trees
- Splitting a Node in a B-tree
- Input: nonfull internal node \(x\) and an index \(i\) such that \(x.c_i\) is a full child of \(x\)
- Splits this child in two and adjusts \(x\) to have an additional child
- To split the root
- First make the root a child of a new empty root node
- Then we can use B-TREE-SPLIT-CHILD
- The tree only grows through splitting
- B-TREE-SPLIT-CHILD works as follows
- \(x\) is the parent of the node being split
- \(y\) is \(x\)’s \(i^{th}\) child (the node being split)
- Node \(y\) had originally \(2t\) children and \(2t-1\) keys
- Was reduced to \(t\) children and \(t-1\) keys
- Node \(z\) takes the \(t\) largest children, \(t-1\) keys, from \(y\)
- \(z\) becomes a new child of \(x\)
- Positioned after \(y\) in \(x\)’s table of children
- Median key of \(y\) moves up and becomes a key in \(x\), it separates \(y\) and \(z\)
Basic Operations on B-trees
- Inserting a Key into a B-tree in a Single Pass Down the Tree
- A single pass down the tree
- \(O(h)\) disk accesses
- CPU required is \(O(th) = O(t \log_t n)\)
- Guarantee recursion never descends to a full node
- Lines 3-9, case in which root node \(r\) is full
- Root splits and new node \(s\) becomes the root
- Splitting the root is the only way to increase the height of a B-tree
- Increases height at the top, instead of at the bottom as happens in a binary search tree
- Lines 3-8: case in which \(x\) is a leaf node, insert \(k\) into \(x\)
- If \(x\) isn’t a leaf, we insert \(k\) into appropriate leaf node in subtree rooted at internal node \(x\) (lines 9-11)
- Line 13, recursion descended into a full child, line 14 uses B-TREE-SPLIT-CHILD
- Lines 15-16 finds to which child the alg. should descend to
- Line 17 recurses to insert \(k\) into appropriate subtree
- Complexity
- B-tree of height \(h\), B-TREE-INSERT performs \(O(h)\) disk accesses
- CPU: \(O(th) = O(t \log_t n)\)
Deleting a Key from a B-tree
- Deletion analogous to insertion
- But more complicated
- We can delete from any node, not just a leaf
- When we delete a key from an internal node
- We have to rearrange the node’s children
- The resulting tree should preserve the B-tree properties
- A node shouldn’t get too small during deletion
- Except the root, which is allowed to have fewer than the minimum of \(t-1\) keys
- Deletion cases:
- If key \(k\) is in node \(x\) and \(x\) is a leaf, delete the key \(k\) from \(x\)
- If key \(k\) is in node \(x\) and \(x\) is an internal node:
- If the child \(y\) that precedes \(k\) in node \(x\) has at least \(t\) keys
- then find the predecessor \(k'\) of \(k\) in the subtree rooted at \(y\).
- Recursively delete \(k'\), and replace \(k\) by \(k'\) in \(x\).
- We can find \(k'\) and delete it in a singuel downward pass.
- If \(y\) has fewer than \(t\) keys
- then, symmetrically, examine the child \(z\) that follows \(k\) in node \(x\). If \(z\) has at least \(t\) keys, then find the successor \(k'\) of \(k\) in the subtree rooted at \(z\).
- Recursively delete \(k'\), and replace \(k\) by \(k'\) in \(x\).
- We can find \(k'\) and delete it in a single downward pass.
- Otherwise
- if both \(y\) and \(z\) have only \(t-1\) keys, merge \(k\) and all of \(z\) into \(y\), so that \(x\) loses both \(k\) and the pointer to \(z\), and \(y\) now contains \(2t-1\) keys
- Then free \(z\) and recursively delete \(k\) from \(y\).
- If key \(k\) is not present in internal node \(x\). Determine the root \(x.c_i\) of the appropriate subtree that must contain \(k\), if \(k\) is in the tree at all. If \(x.c_i\) has only \(t-1\) keys execute step 3a or 3b as necessary to guarantee that we descend to a node containing at least \(t\) keys. Then finish by recursing on the appropriate child of \(x\).
- 3a) If \(x.c_i\) has only \(t-1\) keys but has an immediate sibling with at least \(t\) keys, give \(x.c_i\) an extra key by movind a key from \(x\) down into \(x.c_i\), moving key from \(x.c_i\)’s immediate left or right sibling up into \(x\), and moving the appropriate child pointer from the sibling into \(x.c_i\).
- 3b) If \(x.c_i\) and both of \(x.c_i\)’s immediate siblings have \(t-1\) keys, merge \(x.c_i\) with one sibling, which involves moving a key from \(x\) down into the new merged node to become the median key for that node.
- This procedure involves only \(O(h\)) disk operations for a B-tree of height \(h\)
- Only \(O(1)\) calls to DISK-READ and DISK-WRITE are made
- CPU time: \(O(th) = O(t \log_t n)\)