Multithreaded Algorithms
Analysis and Design of Algorithms
Jesus A. Gonzalez
Jul7 17, 2019
Multithreaded Algorithms
- Chapter 27 of Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Edition), Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein.
Multithreaded Algorithms
- Most algorithms in the book are serial algorithms
- Run on a uniprocessor computer
- Execute one instruction at a time
- In this chapter, we will see parallel algorithms
- Run on a multiprocessor computer
- Allows multiple instructions to execute concurrently
- Explore an elegant model: dynamic multithreaded algorithms
Multithreaded Algorithms
- Parallel computers
- Computers with multiple processing units
- Very common, with different prices and performance
- Relatively inexpensive:
- Desktop and laptop chip multiprocessors
- Single multi-core integrated circuit chip
- Houses multiple processing cores
- Each core is a full processor that can access a common memory
- Intermediate price/performance:
- Clusters built from individual computers
- Can be simple PC-class machines with a dedicated network interconnecting them
- Highest priced machines:
- Supercomputers
- Combination of custom architectures and custom networks
- Designed to deliver the highest performance (instructions per second, i.e. flops)
Multithreaded Algorithms
- Multiprocessor computers have been around for a while
- There is not a single model for parallel computing with wide acceptance
- Vendors have not agreed on a single parallel architectural model
- Some feature shared memory
- Others employ distributed memory
- With multi-core technology, new laptops and desktops are a shared-memory parallel computer
- Trend appears to be toward shared-memory multiprocessing
Multithreaded Algorithms - Static threading
- Common means of programming chip multiprocessors (and other shared memory parallel computers)
- Static threading
- Provides a software abstraction of virtual processors or threads sharing common memory
- Each thread mantains an associated program counter
- Can execute code independently of the other threads
- The OS loads a thread onto a processor for execution
- Switches it out when another thread needs to run
Multithreaded Algorithms - Static threading
- Static threading
- The OS allows the user to create and destroy threads
- But these operations are very slow
- Thus, in most apps, threads persist for the duration of a computation
- That’s why they are called static
- Programming when using static threads
- It’s difficult and error-prone
- Programmer requires complex communication protocols
- To implement a scheduler to load-balance the work
- Concurrency platforms were created to deal with this complexity
- Provide a SW layer to coordinate, schedule, and manage the parallel-computing resources
Multithreaded Algorithms - Dynamic multithreading
- Dynamic multithreading programming
- Important concurrency platform
- The model used in this lecture
- Allows programmers specify parallelism in applications without worrying about
- Communication protocols
- Load balancing
- Other…
Multithreaded Algorithms - Dynamic multithreading
- Concurrency platform contains a scheduler
- Load-balances the computation (automatically)
- Simplifies the work of the programmer
- Functionality of dynamic-multithreading provides 2 features
- Nested parallelism
- Allows a subroutne to be spawned to allow the caller to proceed while the spawned subroutine is computing the result
- Parallel loops
- It is like an ordinary for loop but the iterations of the loop can execute concurrently
- Key aspect of this model
- Programmer specifies only the logical parallelism within a computation
- Threads in the platform schedule and load-balance the computation among themselves
Multithreaded Algorithms - Dynamic multithreading
- Advantages of the model
- It’s a simple extension of the serial programming model
- We just add three keywords to our pseudocode:
- If we remove the keywords, we get the serial pseudocode for the same problem
- The serialization of the multithreaded algorithm
Multithreaded Algorithms - Dynamic multithreading
- Advantages of the model
- Provides a theoretically clean way to quantify parallelism
- Based on notions of work and span
Multithreaded Algorithms - Dynamic multithreading
- Advantages of the model
- Many multithreaded algorithms involving nested parallelism follow from the divide and conquer paradigm
- We use recurrences also for multithreaded algorithms of this type
Multithreaded Algorithms - Dynamic multithreading
- Advantages of the model
- Model shows how parallel-computing practice evolves
- Growing number of concurrency platforms
- Support a variant of dynamic multithreading
- Cilk
- Cilk++
- OpenMP
- Task Parallel Library
- Threading Building Blocks
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- Example: Computing Fibonacci numbers recursively
- Fibonacci numbers defined by recurrence
- \(F_0 = 0\)
- \(F_1 = 1\)
- \(F_i = F_{i-1} + F_{i-2}\) for \(i \geq 2\).
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- A simple, recursive, serial algorithm to compute the \(n\)th Fibonnaci number:
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- This algorithm repeats too much work (it doesn’t memoize)
- The recursive tree of the call for Fib(6)
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- The recurrence for the Fibonacci algorithm
- \(T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + \Theta(1)\).
- Solution: \(T(n) = \Theta(F_n)\)
- \(F_n\) grows exponentially in \(n\)
- This is slow…, but it is illustrative for this purpose
- The analysis of multithreaded algorithms
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- The 2 recursive calls in lines 3 and 4 are independent of each other
- \(FIB(n-1)\) and \(FIB(n-2)\)
- They can be called in either order
- The computation of one of them doesn’t affect the other
- They can be run in parallel
- Augment the pseudocode to indicate parallelism
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- Pseudocode rewriten to use dynamic multithreading
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- Deleting the concurrency keywords (spawn and sync) to P-FIB
- Produces the FIB pseudocode
- This is known as serialization
- Serialization of a multithreaded algorithm
- The serial algorithm resulting when deleting the multithreading keywords
- spawn, sync, and parallel
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- Nested parallelism
- When the spawn keyword precedes a procedure call
- i.e. As in line 3
- When we make a call with spawn
- Similar to a fork in unix
- The parent may continue execution in parallel with the spawned subroutine, the child
- It doesn’t wait for the child to complete in order to continue with the execution
- The child computes \(P-FIB(n-1)\)
- The parent computes \(P-FIB(n-2)\) in parallel with the spawned child
- Because \(P-FIB\) is recursive, the 2 subroutine calls themselves create nested parallelism
- And also their children
- Creates a tree of subcomputations, all executing in parallel
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- The concurrency keywords express the logical parallelism of the computation
- Indicates which parts of code may proceed in parallel
- At runtime, the scheduler determines which subcomputations run concurrently
- Assigns available processors
The Basics of Dynamic Multithreading
- The sync keyword
- The parent procedures executes the sync statement
- In order to safely use the results returned by its children
- Sync indicates that the parent procedure must wait for all its spawned children to complete, before proceeding
- In \(P-FIB\) the procedure calls sync before the return statement
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- A multithreaded computation can be seen as
- A set of runtime instructions executed by a processor to complete a multithreaded program
- A multithreaded computation can be modeled as a directed acyclic graph \(G = (V, E)\), called a computation dag
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- A Computation dag for the \(P-FIB\) procedure
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Computation dag
- Vertices \(V\) are instructions
- Edges \(E\) represent dependencies between instructions
- \((u,v) \in E\) means instruction \(u\) must execute before instruction \(v\)
- If a chain of instructions has no call to a parallel control keyword, we group them into a single strand
- A strand represents one or more instructions
- Instructions involving parallel control are not included in strands but appear in the structure of the dag
- If a strand has 2 successors, one of them must have been spawned
- A strand with multiple predecessors means that they were joined with a sync statement
- In general:
- \(V\) represents the strands
- \(E\) represents the dependencies between strands induced by parallel control
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Computation dag
- If \(G\) has a directed path from strand \(u\) to strand \(v\)
- The two strands are (logically) in series
- Otherwise, strands \(u\) and \(v\) are (logically) in parallel
- We picture a multithreaded computation with a dag of strands embedded in a tree of procedure instances
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Tree of procedure instances for \(P-FIB(6)\), no detailed structure of strands is shown
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Zoom of a section of the previous tree, shows the strands of each procedure
- Directed edges connecting strands run either
- Within a procedure
- Along the procedure tree
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Edges of a computation dag indicate a type of dependency between strands
- Continuation edge \((u, u')\), drawn horizontally
- Connects a strand \(u\) to its successor \(u'\) within the same procedure instance
- Spawn edge \((u, v)\), points downward in the figure
- When a strand \(u\) spawns a strand \(v\)
- Call edge, also point downward
- Represent normal procedure calls
- Return edge \((u, x)\), points upward
- When a strand \(u\) returns to its calling procedure
- \(x\) is the strand immediately following the next sync
- Initial strand, starts a computation
- Final strand, ends a computation
- Difference between a spawn edge and a call edge
- Strand \(u\) spawning strand \(v\)
- Induces a horizontal continuation edge from \(u\) to the strand \(u'\) following \(u\) in its procedure
- \(u'\) is free to execute at the same time as \(v\)
- \(u\) calling \(v\)
- Doesn’t induce such an edge
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- We assume our multithreaded algorithms execute on an ideal parallel computer
- Set of processors
- Sequentially consistent shared memory
- Sequentially consistent
- Memory preserves the individual orders in which each processor executes its instructions
- For dynamic multithreaded computations
- Memory behaves as if instructions were interleaved to produce a linear order to preserve the partial order of the computation dag
- Order might differ from one run to the other (depending on scheduling) but is consistent with the computation dag
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Performance assumptions
- Each processor has equal computing power
- Ignores the cost of scheduling
- With sufficient parallelism the overhead of scheduling is minimal in practice
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Performance measures
- Work
- Total time to execute the entire computation on one processor
- The sum of the times by each of the strands
- In a computation dag in which each strand takes a unit of time
- The work is the number of vertices in the dag
- Span
- The longest time to execute the strands along any path in the dag
- If each strand takes a unit time: the number of vertices on a longest or critical path in the dag
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- The actual running time of a multithreaded depends on
- Work and span
- How many processors are available
- How the scheduler allocates strands to processors
- We denote running time on \(P\) processors using subscript \(P\)
- Running time of an algorithm on \(P\) processors: \(T_P\)
- Work is \(T_1\), in a single processor
- Span is \(T_{\infty}\), corresponds to running each strand on its own processor
- As if having \(\infty\) number of processors
- Work and span are lower bounds on running time \(T_P\) of a multithreaded computation on \(P\) processors
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Work law: \(T_P \geq T_1/P\)
- In ideal parallel computer with \(P\) processors can do at most \(P\) units of work
- In \(T_P\) time it can perform at most \(PT_P\) work, and total work is \(T_1\)
- We have \(PT_P \geq T_1\), we divide by \(P\) and get the work law
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Span law: \(T_P \geq T_{\infty}\)
- A \(P\)-processor ideal computer can’t run faster than a machine with unlimited number of processors
- Then, a machine with unlimited processors emulates a \(P\)-processor machine by using \(P\) of its processors
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Speedup of a computation on \(P\) processors is the ratio \(T_1/T_P\)
- How many times faster is the computation with \(P\) processors than with 1 processor
- By work law: \(T_P \geq T_1/P\), then \(T_1/T_P \leq P\)
- Then speedup on \(P\) processors can be at most \(P\)
- Linear speedup
- The speed up is linear in the number of processors
- \(T_1/T_P = \Theta(P)\)
- Perfect linear speedup
- Parallelism of the multithreaded computation
- The ratio of the work to the span: \(T_1/T_{\infty}\)
- 3 perspectives of parallelism
- As a ratio: average amount of work (in parallel) for each step along the critical path
- As an upper bound: maximum possible speedup that can be achieved on any number of processors
- As a limit: on the possibility of attaining perfect linear speedup
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Example: computation of \(P-FIB(4)\), assume each strand takes unit time
- Work is \(T_1 = 17\)
- Span is \(T_{\infty} = 8\)
- Parallelism is \(T_1/T_{\infty} = 17/8 = 2.125\)
- This means that achieving more than double the speedup is impossible (for the specific example of \(P-FIB(4)\))
- No matter how many processors we use
A Model for Multithreaded Execution
- Parallel slackness of a multithreaded computation
- Executed on an ideal parallel computer with \(P\) processors
- \((T_1/T_{\infty})/P = T_1/(PT_{\infty})\)
- Factor by which parallelism of computation exceeds number of processors in the machine
- Require efficient scheduling
- Multithreading programming model
- No way to specify which strand executes on which processor
- Rely on the concurrency platform’s scheduler
- How it works
- Scheduler maps strands to static threads
- OS schedules threads to the processors
- We assume that scheduler directly maps strands to processors
- We assume an on-line centralized scheduler
- On-line: doesn’t have knowledge in advance about when strands will be spawned or when they will complete
- Centralized: knows global state of the computation at any given time
- Greedy schedulers
- Assign as many strands to processors as possible in each time step
- Complete step: There are at least \(P\) strands ready to execute during a time step
- Incomplete step: There are less than \(P\) strands ready to execute
- Theorem 27.1
- On an ideal parallel computer with \(P\) processors, a greedy scheduler executes a multithreaded computation with work \(T_1\) and span \(T_{\infty}\) in time
- \(T_P \leq T_1/P + T_{\infty}\)
- Corollary 27.2
- The running time \(T_P\) of any multithreaded computation scheduled by a greedy scheduler on an ideal parallel computer with \(P\) processors is within a factor of 2 of optimal
- Corollary 27.3
- Let \(T_P\) be the running time of a multithreaded computation produced by a greedy scheduler on an ideal parallel computer with \(P\) processors, and let \(T_1\) and \(T_{\infty}\) be the work and span of the computation, respectively. Then, if \(P << T_1/T_{\infty}\), we have \(T_P \approx T_1/P\), or equivalently, a speedup of approximately \(P\).
Analyzing multithreaded algorithms
- Analizing the work
- Straightforward (relatively)
- The running time of an ordinary serial algorithm: the serialization of the multithreaded algorithm
- Analyzing the span
- More interesting/complicated
- For 2 computations in series, their spans add to form the span of their composition
- For 2 computations in parallel, the span of their composition is the maximum of the spans of the 2 subcomputations
Analyzing multithreaded algorithms
- When analyzing \(P-FIB(n)\)
- The spawned call to \(P-FIB(n-1)\) in line 3 runs in parallel with call to \(P-FIB(n-2)\) in line 4
- We express the span of \(P-FIB(n)\) as a recurrence
- \(T_{\infty}(n) = max(T_{\infty}(n-1), T_{\infty}(n-2)) + \Theta(1)\)
- \(= T_{\infty}(n-1) + \Theta(1)\)
- With solution: \(T_{\infty}(n) = \Theta(n)\)
- The parallelism of \(P-FIB(n)\) is \(T_1(n)/T_{\infty}(n) = \Theta(\Phi^n/n)\)
Parallel loops
- Many algorithms have loops for which iterations can run in parallel
- We can parallelize those loops using spawn and sync
- It’s more convenient to specify that the iterations of the loop can run concurrently
- We use the parallel concurrency keyword
- Precedes the for keyword in a for loop statement
Parallel loops
- Example: multiplying an \(n \times n\) matrix \(A = (a_{ij})\) by an \(n\)-vector \(x = (x_j)\)
- \(y_i = \sum\limits_{j=1}^n a_{ij}x_j\)
- for \(i = 1, 2, \dots, n\)
- We can perform all the entries of \(y\) in parallel as follows:
Parallel loops
- The parallel for keywords indicate the iterations of loops may run concurrently
- A compiler can implement each parallel loop as a divide and conquer routine using nested parallelism
- A call to \(MAT-VEC-MAIN-LOOP(A, x, y, n, 1, n)\)
Parallel loops
Parallel loops
- The work \(T_1(n)\) of MAT-VEC on an \(n \times n\) matrix
- The running time of its serialization
- Replace parallel for with ordinary for loops
- \(T_1(n) = \Theta(n^2)\)
- The overhead of recursive spawning in fact increases the work of a parallel loop compared to its serialization
- The span is \(T_{\infty}(n) = \Theta(\lg n) + \max\limits_{1 \leq i \leq n} iter_{\infty}(i)\).
- The depth of the recursive call is logarithmic in the number of iterations
- For a parallel loop with \(n\) iterations
- The \(i\)th iteration has span \(iter_{\infty}(i)\)
Race Conditions
- A multithreaded algorithm is
- Deterministic
- It always does the same thing on the same input
- Independently on how instructions are scheduled on the multicore computer
- Nondeterministic
- If the algorithms behavior might vary from run to run
Race Conditions
- Sometimes an algorithm intended to be deterministic fails
- Because it contains a determinacy race
- Some notorious bugs of this type
- The Therac-25 radiation therapy machine
- Killed 3 people and injured several more
- The North American Blackout of 2003
- Over 50 million people without power
- These bugs are hard to find
Race Conditions
- Determinacy race
- Occurs when 2 logically parallel instructions access the same memory location and at least one of them performs a write
- RACE-EXAMPLE should always print the value 2 (its serialization does)
Race Conditions
Race Conditions
- We need to ensure that strands that run in parallel are independent
- Thus, they won’t have determinacy races
- We could also use mutual exclusion locks or other synchronization methods
- In a parallel for construct, all iterations should be independent
- Between spawn and sync
- Code of spawned child should be independent of the code of the parent
- Including code of additional spawned/called children
Race Conditions
- Another example of wrong code, with races
- Races when updating \(y_i\) in line 7
- Executes concurrently for all \(n\) values of \(j\)
Multithreaded Matrix Multiplication
- SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY (previously seen in the book, page 75)
Multithreaded Matrix Multiplication
- The work is \(T(n) = \Theta(n^3)\)
- The serialization of this algorithm is the SQUARE-MATRIX-MULTIPLY algorithm
- The span is \(T_{\infty}(n) = \Theta(n)\)
- Parallel for loop of line 3
- Parallel for loop of line 4
- Executes \(n\) iterations of the ordinary for loop of line 6
- A total span of \(\Theta(\lg n) + \Theta(\lg n) + \Theta(n) = \Theta(n)\)
- The parallelism is \(\Theta(n^3)/\Theta(n) = \Theta(n^2)\)
A Divide-and-conquer Multithreaded Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication
- We can multiply \(n \times n\) matrices serially in time \(\Theta(n^{\lg 7}) = O(n^{2.81})\)
- Using Strassen’s divide-and-conquer strategy
- Multiply 2 \(n \times n\) matrices \(A\) and \(B\) to produce the \(n \times n\) matrix \(C\)
- Partitions each of the 3 matrices into 4 \(n/2 \times n/2\) submatrices
- To multiply 2 \(n \times n\) matrices it performs 8 multiplications of \(n/2 \times n/2\) matrices and 1 addition of \(n \times n\) matrices
A Divide-and-conquer Multithreaded Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication
A Divide-and-conquer Multithreaded Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication
- \(M_1(n)\)
- Partition in \(\Theta(1)\) time
- Eight recursive multiplications of \(n/2 \times n/2\) matrices
- Adding the 2 \(n \times n\) matrices
- \(M_1(n) = 8M_1(n/2) + \Theta(n^2) = \Theta(n^3)\)
- The span \(M_{\infty}(n)\) of P-MATRIX-MULTIPLY-RECURSIVE
- Span for partitioning is \(\Theta(1)\)
- Span of doubly nested parallel for loops (lines 15 - 17) is \(\Theta(\lg n)\)
- Max span of any recursive call is the span of one of them (they are the same size)
- The recurrence: \(M_{\infty}(n) = M_{\infty}(n/2) + \Theta(\lg n)\)
- This recurrence doesn’t fall in any of the cases of the master theorem, the solution is:
- \(M_{\infty}(n) = \Theta(\lg^2 n)\)
- \(M_1(n)/M_{\infty}(n)=\Theta(n^3/\lg^2 n)\), very high
Multithreaded Merge Sort