CSE 4308 Assessment
Due dates:
- Written parts (part 1 and part 2): Tuesday October 23, 2012,
- Programming parts (part 3 and part 4): Monday October 22,
2012, 11:59pm.
The goal of this assessment is to evaluate:
- theoretical understanding of inference methods for
knowledge bases that
use propositional logic, and
- the practical ability to design and implement such
inference methods.
Four tasks need to be completed:
- Answering some written questions about propositional logic
- Formulating parts of an inference engine in pseudocode.
- Designing a knowledge base to represent some specific known
facts about
an environment.
- Implementing an inference engine in software.
Part 1: (50 points) Understanding knowledge bases and
inference methods.
Questions 1, 2, 3, of written assignment 3.
Part 2: (50 points) Formulating an inference engine.
Questions 4, 5, 6, and 7 of written assignment 3.
Part 3: (40 points) Data analysis and representation.
Create a knowledge base capturing the known facts about wumpus
environments that are stated in programming assignment 3 (40% of
programming assignment 3).
Part 4: (60 points) Implementing an inference engine.
Implement an inference engine that can determine, given a knowledge
base and a statement, if given the knowledge base the statement is
definitely true, definitely false, or neither (60% of programming assignment 3).
Grading Rubric
In addition to the quantitative score of total points earned, there
will also be a qualitative grade for each part, and for the assessment
as a whole. The qualitative grade can have the following five values:
poor, fair, acceptable, goods, excellent. The qualitative grade, for
each of the four parts, and for the assessment as a whole, will be
assigned as follows:
- 0%-29%: poor
- 30%-59%: fair
- 60%-74%: acceptable
- 75%-89%: good
- 90%-100%: excellent
Important Note
Undergraduate students achieving a semester grade of C or better, but
failing the assessment (below 60%) and documenting their circumstances
will be assigned a semester grade of I (incomplete) and may re-attempt
the assessment in the next semester. If the assessment is then passed,
the semester grade will be changed from I to the achieved grade.