CSE 4308 - 001 / 5360 - 001 / 5360 - 003 : Artificial
Intelligence 1
- Class
- Contact
- Instructor:
Vamsikrishna Gopikrishna
- Office: ERB 553 (Alt Location: ERB 128)
- Office Hours:
- CSE 4308-001: Mon, Wed - 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- CSE 5360-001, 003: Mon, Wed - 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
- email: vamsikrishna.gopikrishna@uta.edu
(Begin subject line
with CSE4308-001,
CSE5360-001, CSE5360-003)
- TA:
- CSE 4308 - 001: Sandeep Chahal
- CSE 5360 - 001: Rodrigo Tridapalli Foes Linhares
- CSE 5360 - 003: Reza Ghoddoosian
- CSE 5360 - 003: Noopur Ashok Kharche
- Other Links