Preparation for Second Midterm

Practice Questions
  1. Convert the following knowledge base to conjunctive normal form:
    A AND B
    B => (A OR C)
  2. Consider the following knowledge base:
    NOT A
    Does this knowledge base entail the following sentence:
    B OR C
    Justify your answer.

  3. Given a propositional-logic vocabulary with only four symbols, A, B, C, D, how many models are there for the following sentences? In other words, for each of those statements, determine how many models that statement is true in. Note that each model is defined by assigning boolean values to all four symbols A, B, C, D.

    (a) (A and B) or (B and C)
    (b) A or B
    (c) A <=> B <=>C

  4. Textbook exercise 7.6 (second edition), exercise 7.8 (third edition)

  5. Textbook exercise 7.8 (second edition), exercise 7.10 (third edition)

  6. For some sentence S involving literals A, B, C, here is the truth table:
    A B C Sentence
    false false false true
    false false true false
    false true false false
    false true true true
    true false false false
    true false true false
    true true false false
    true true true true
    Give a conjunctive normal form for sentence S.

  7. What is the negation of each of the following sentences?
    1. for-every x, exists y: son(x) = y
    2. for-every x, for-every y: son(x) = y <=> father(y) = x
    In your answers, any "not" may only appear after the last appearance of a universal or existential quantifier.

  8. Textbook exercise 8.8 (in both second and third edition).

  9. Consider the technique of propositionalization. For each of the following two knowledge bases, decide if propositionalization can be applied successfully. If not, why not?
    KB 1:

    for-every x: king(x) and greedy(x) => evil(x)
    brother(Richard, John)

    KB 2:
    for-every x: king(x) and greedy(x) => evil(x)
    brother(Richard, John)
  10. Textbook exercise 9.19, parts (a), (b), (c) (second edition), exercise 9.24, parts (a), (b), (c) (third edition).