Optional Assignment 1

Programming Assignment - Game Playing Algorithms

Task 1 (75 points):

Solve ONE of the given programming tasks

Task 1(a):

The task in this programming assignment is to implement an agent that plays the Max-Connect4 game using search. Figure 1 shows the first few moves of a game. The game is played on a 6x7 grid, with six rows and seven columns. There are two players, player A (red) and player B (green). The two players take turns placing pieces on the board: the red player can only place red pieces, and the green player can only place green pieces.

It is best to think of the board as standing upright. We will assign a number to every row and column, as follows: columns are numbered from left to right, with numbers 1, 2, ..., 7. Rows are numbered from bottom to top, with numbers 1, 2, ..., 6. When a player makes a move, the move is completely determined by specifying the COLUMN where the piece will be placed. If all six positions in that column are occupied, then the move is invalid, and the program should reject it and force the player to make a valid move. In a valid move, once the column is specified, the piece is placed on that column and "falls down", until it reaches the lowest unoccupied position in that column.

The game is over when all positions are occupied. Obviously, every complete game consists of 42 moves, and each player makes 21 moves. The score, at the end of the game is determined as follows: consider each quadruple of four consecutive positions on board, either in the horizontal, vertical, or each of the two diagonal directions (from bottom left to top right and from bottom right to top left). The red player gets a point for each such quadruple where all four positions are occupied by red pieces. Similarly, the green player gets a point for each such quadruple where all four positions are occupied by green pieces. The player with the most points wins the game.

Your program will run in two modes: an interactive mode, that is best suited for the program playing against a human player, and a one-move mode, where the program reads the current state of the game from an input file, makes a single move, and writes the resulting state to an output file. The one-move mode can be used to make programs play against each other. Note that THE PROGRAM MAY BE EITHER THE RED OR THE GREEN PLAYER, THAT WILL BE SPECIFIED BY THE STATE, AS SAVED IN THE INPUT FILE.

As part of this assignment, you will also need to measure and report the time that your program takes, as a function of the number of moves it explores. All time measurements should report CPU time, not total time elapsed. CPU time does not depend on other users of the system, and thus is a meaningful measurement of the efficiency of the implementation.
Sample Max-Connect Game
Figure 1: Sample Max-Connect Game (15 moves in)

Interactive Mode

In the interactive mode, the game should run from the command line with the following arguments (assuming a Java implementation, with obvious changes for C++ or other implementations):

java maxconnect4 interactive [input_file] [computer-next/human-next] [depth]

For example:

java maxconnect4 interactive input1.txt computer-next 7
After reading the input file, the program gets into the following loop:
  1. If computer-next, goto 2, else goto 5.
  2. Print the current board state and score. If the board is full, exit.
  3. Choose and make the next move.
  4. Save the current board state in a file called computer.txt (in same format as input file).
  5. Print the current board state and score. If the board is full, exit.
  6. Ask the human user to make a move (make sure that the move is valid, otherwise repeat request to the user).
  7. Save the current board state in a file called human.txt (in same format as input file).
  8. Goto 2.

One-Move Mode

The purpose of the one-move mode is to make it easy for programs to compete against each other, and communicate their moves to each other using text files. The one-move mode is invoked as follows:

java maxconnect4 one-move [input_file] [output_file] [depth]

For example:

java maxconnect4 one-move red_next.txt green_next.txt 5

In this case, the program simply makes a single move and terminates. In particular, the program should:

Sample code

The sample code needs an input file to run. Sample input files that you can download are input1.txt and input2.txt. You are free to make other input files to experiment with, as long as they follow the same format. In the input files, a 0 stands for an empty spot, a 1 stands for a piece played by the first player, and a 2 stands for a piece played by the second player. The last number in the input file indicates which player plays NEXT (and NOT which player played last). Sample code is available in: The sample code implements a system playing max-connect4 (in one-move mode only) by making random moves. While the AI part of the sample code leaves much to be desired (your assignment is to fix that), the code can get you started by showing you how to represent and generate board states, how to save/load the game state to and from files in the desired format, and how to count the score (though faster score-counting methods are possible).

Measuring Execution Time

You can measure the execution time for your program on omega by inserting the word "time" in the beginning of your command line. For example, if you want to measure how much time it takes for your system to make one move with the depth parameter set to 10, try this:

time java maxconnect4 one-move red_next.txt green_next.txt 10

Your output will look something like:
    real    0m0.003s
    user    0m0.002s
    sys     0m0.001s

Out of the above three lines, the user line is what you should report.


The assignments will be graded out of 75 points.

Task 1(b):

The task in this programming assignment is to implement, a knowledge base and an inference engine for the wumpus world. First of all, you have to create a knowledge base (stored as a text file) storing the rules of the wumpus world, i.e., what we know about pits, monsters, breeze, and stench. Second, you have to create an inference engine, that given a knowledge base and a statement determines if, based on the knowledge base, the statement is definitely true, definitely false, or of unknown truth value.

Command-line Arguments

The program should be invoked from the commandline as follows:

check_true_false wumpus_rules.txt [additional_knowledge_file] [statement_file]

For example:

check_true_false wumpus_rules.txt kb1.txt statement1.txt


Your program should create a text file called "result.txt". Depending on what your inference algorithm determined about the statement being true or false, the output file should contain one of the following four outputs: Note that by "knowledge base" we are referring to the conjunction of all statements contained in wumpus_rules.txt AND in the additional knowledge file.

Also note that the sample code provided below stores the words "result unknown" to the result.txt file. Also, the "both true and false" output should be given when the knowledge base (i.e., the info stored in wumpus_rules.txt AND in the additional knowledge file) entails both the statement from statement_file AND the negation of that statement.


The wumpus rules file and the additional knowledge file contain multiple lines. Each line contains a logical statement. The knowledge base constructed by the program should be a conjunction of all the statements contained in the two files. The sample code (as described later) already does that. The statement file contains a single line, with a single logical statement.
Statements are given in prefix notation. Some examples of prefix notation are:

(or M_1_1 B_1_2)
(and M_1_2 S_1_1 (not (or M_1_3 M_1_4)))
(if M_1_1 (and S_1_2 S_1_3))
(iff M_1_2 (and S_1_1 S_1_3 S_2_2))
(xor B_2_2 P_1_2)
(not P_1_1)

Statements can be nested, as shown in the above examples.

Note that:
There are six connectives: and, or, xor, not, if, iff. No other connectives are allowed to be used in the input files. Here is some additional information:
The only symbols that are allowed to be used are:
NO OTHER SYMBOLS ARE ALLOWED. Also, note that i and j can take values 1, 2, 3, and 4. In other words, there will be 16 unique symbols of the form M_i_j, 16 unique symbols of the form S_i_j, 16 unique symbols of the form P_i_j, and 16 unique symbols of the form B_i_j, for a total of 64 unique symbols.

The Wumpus Rules

Here is what we know to be true in any wumpus world, for the purposes of this assignment (NOTE THAT THESE RULES ARE NOT IDENTICAL TO THE ONES IN THE TEXTBOOK):

Sample code

The following code implements, in Java and C++, a system that reads text files containing information for the knowledge base and the statement whose truth we want to check. Feel free to use that code and build on top of it. Also feel free to ignore that code and start from scratch.
You can test this code, by compiling on omega, and running on input files a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt. For example, for the Java code you can run it as:

javac *.java
java CheckTrueFalse a.txt b.txt c.txt

and for C++, you can do:

g++ -o check_true_false check_true_false.cpp
./check_true_false a.txt b.txt c.txt


Brute-force enumeration of the 264 possible assignments to the 64 Boolean variables will be too inefficient to produce answers in a reasonable amount of time. Because of that, we will only be testing your solutions with cases where the additional knowledge file contains specific information about at least 48 of the symbols.

For example, suppose that the agent has already been at square (2,3). Then, the agent knows for that square that:

Furthermore, the agent knows whether or not there is stench and/or breeze at that square. Suppose that, in our example, there is breeze and no stench.

Then, the additional knowledge file would contain these lines for square 2,3:

(not M_2_3)
(not P_2_3)
(not S_2_3)
You can assume that, in all our test cases, there will be at least 48 lines like these four lines shown above, specifying for at least 48 symbols whether they are true or false. Assuming that you implement the TT-Entails algorithm, your program should identify those symbols and their values right at the beginning. You can identify those symbols using these guidelines: This way, your program will be able to initialize the model that TT-Entails passes to TT-Check-All with boolean assignments for at least 48 symbols, as opposed to passing an empty model. The list of symbols passed from TT-Entails to TT-Check-All should obviously NOT include the symbols that have been assigned values in the initial model. This way, at most 16 symbols will have unspecified values, and TT-Check-All will need to check at most 216 rows in the truth table, which is quite doable in a reasonable amount of time (a few seconds).


The assignment will be graded out of 75 points.

Task 2 (50 points)

The task in this programming assignment is to design appropriate descriptions of facts, actions, and goals, using the PDDL language, for two planning problems: the Tower of Hanoi problem, and the 7-puzzle problem (a variation of the 8-puzzle problem where two squares are clear instead of one). You will use your descriptions as inputs to a Graphplan implementation. If your descriptions are correct, Graphplan will produce appropriate plans.

Compiling and Running the Software

The Graphplan software can be downloaded from graphplan.zip. See the README file in that package for additional information. To compile the software on omega, unzip the directory, and, from that directory, type
make graphplan
Once the program compiles, it can be invoked from the commandline as follows:
graphplan -o [operators_file] -f [facts_file]
For example:
graphplan -o block_ops.txt -f block_facts3.txt
Once you start running the software, it will ask you three questions. Just hit enter for each question, so as to use the default settings. If your descriptions of actions and facts are correct, the program will print out a plan achieving the stated goal.

Note that the preconds in each fact file will contain both statements that are always true in that domain (i.e., in the Tower of Hanoi domain or the 7-puzzle domain), and statements that simply describe the initial state for that specific planning problem. In addition to the facts files for the specific planning problems you are given, you will have to create a separate text file that includes all the statements that must be present in ANY facts file for that domain.

Tower of Hanoi Description

A description of the Tower of Hanoi domain can be found at Wikipedia. In all problems that your program will be tested with there will be five discs (called disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk5) and three pegs (called A, B, C). In all your facts files you will have to include both a common part (defining objects and relations among objects) and a plan-specific part (describing the initial state and goal for each plan). Note that some of the five disks may not appear in some of the planning problems.

The two planning problems you have to solve are:

Problem 1

initial state:
(on disk1 disk2)
(on disk2 A)
(clear disk1)
(clear B)
(clear C)

(on disk1 B)
(on disk2 C)
Problem 2
initial state:
(on disk1 disk2)
(on disk2 disk3)
(on disk3 disk4)
(on disk4 disk5)
(on disk5 C)
(clear disk1)
(clear A)
(clear B)

(on disk1 disk2)
(on disk2 disk3)
(on disk3 disk4)
(on disk4 disk5)
(on disk5 A)

7-puzzle Description

7-puzzle is like 8-puzzle, except that there are only pieces numbered from 1 to 7 (not from 1 to 8), and there are two clear squares on the board. At any move, we can move a numbered piece to an adjacent clear square.

The two planning problems you have to solve are (X indicates a clear square):

Problem 1

initial state:

Problem 2
initial state:



This task will be graded for 50 points. Half the points will correspond to your solutions for the Tower of Hanoi world, and the rest will correspond to your solutions for the 7-puzzle problem. Specifically, the point allocation is: