Assignment 6

Programming Assignment - Propositional Logic


The task in this programming assignment is to implement, a knowledge base and an inference engine for the wumpus world. First of all, you have to create a knowledge base (stored as a text file) storing the rules of the wumpus world, i.e., what we know about pits, monsters, breeze, and stench. Second, you have to create an inference engine, that given a knowledge base and a statement determines if, based on the knowledge base, the statement is definitely true, definitely false, or of unknown truth value.

Command-line Arguments

The program should be invoked from the commandline as follows:

check_true_false wumpus_rules.txt [additional_knowledge_file] [statement_file]

For example:

check_true_false wumpus_rules.txt kb1.txt statement1.txt


Your program should create a text file called "result.txt". Depending on what your inference algorithm determined about the statement being true or false, the output file should contain one of the following four outputs: Note that by "knowledge base" we are referring to the conjunction of all statements contained in wumpus_rules.txt AND in the additional knowledge file.

Also note that the sample code provided below stores the words "result unknown" to the result.txt file. Also, the "both true and false" output should be given when the knowledge base (i.e., the info stored in wumpus_rules.txt AND in the additional knowledge file) entails both the statement from statement_file AND the negation of that statement.


The wumpus rules file and the additional knowledge file contain multiple lines. Each line contains a logical statement. The knowledge base constructed by the program should be a conjunction of all the statements contained in the two files. The sample code (as described later) already does that. The statement file contains a single line, with a single logical statement.
Statements are given in prefix notation. Some examples of prefix notation are:

(or M_1_1 B_1_2)
(and M_1_2 S_1_1 (not (or M_1_3 M_1_4)))
(if M_1_1 (and S_1_2 S_1_3))
(iff M_1_2 (and S_1_1 S_1_3 S_2_2))
(xor B_2_2 P_1_2)
(not P_1_1)

Statements can be nested, as shown in the above examples.

Note that:
There are six connectives: and, or, xor, not, if, iff. No other connectives are allowed to be used in the input files. Here is some additional information:
The only symbols that are allowed to be used are:
NO OTHER SYMBOLS ARE ALLOWED. Also, note that i and j can take values 1, 2, 3, and 4. In other words, there will be 16 unique symbols of the form M_i_j, 16 unique symbols of the form S_i_j, 16 unique symbols of the form P_i_j, and 16 unique symbols of the form B_i_j, for a total of 64 unique symbols.

The Wumpus Rules

Here is what we know to be true in any wumpus world, for the purposes of this assignment (NOTE THAT THESE RULES ARE NOT IDENTICAL TO THE ONES IN THE TEXTBOOK):

Sample code

The following code implements, in Java and C++, a system that reads text files containing information for the knowledge base and the statement whose truth we want to check. Feel free to use that code and build on top of it. Also feel free to ignore that code and start from scratch.
You can test this code, by compiling on omega, and running on input files a.txt, b.txt, and c.txt. For example, for the Java code you can run it as:

javac *.java
java CheckTrueFalse a.txt b.txt c.txt

and for C++, you can do:

g++ -o check_true_false check_true_false.cpp
./check_true_false a.txt b.txt c.txt


Brute-force enumeration of the 264 possible assignments to the 64 Boolean variables will be too inefficient to produce answers in a reasonable amount of time. Because of that, we will only be testing your solutions with cases where the additional knowledge file contains specific information about at least 48 of the symbols.

For example, suppose that the agent has already been at square (2,3). Then, the agent knows for that square that:

Furthermore, the agent knows whether or not there is stench and/or breeze at that square. Suppose that, in our example, there is breeze and no stench.

Then, the additional knowledge file would contain these lines for square 2,3:

(not M_2_3)
(not P_2_3)
(not S_2_3)
You can assume that, in all our test cases, there will be at least 48 lines like these four lines shown above, specifying for at least 48 symbols whether they are true or false. Assuming that you implement the TT-Entails algorithm, your program should identify those symbols and their values right at the beginning. You can identify those symbols using these guidelines: This way, your program will be able to initialize the model that TT-Entails passes to TT-Check-All with boolean assignments for at least 48 symbols, as opposed to passing an empty model. The list of symbols passed from TT-Entails to TT-Check-All should obviously NOT include the symbols that have been assigned values in the initial model. This way, at most 16 symbols will have unspecified values, and TT-Check-All will need to check at most 216 rows in the truth table, which is quite doable in a reasonable amount of time (a few seconds).


The assignment will be graded out of 100 points.

How to submit

Implementations in C, C++, Java, and Python will be accepted. If you would like to use another language, make sure it will compile on omega and clear it with the instructor beforehand. Points will be taken off for failure to comply with this requirement.
The assignment should be submitted via Blackboard. Submit a ZIPPED directory called assignment7_<net-id>.zip (no other forms of compression accepted, contact the instructor or TA if you do not know how to produce .zip files). The directory should contain source code and the wumpus_rules.txt file. Including binaries that work on omega (for Java and C++) is optional. The submission should also contain a file called readme.txt, which should specify precisely:

Submission checklist