Optional Assignment 5
Programming Assignment - Game Playing Algorithms (or) Propositional
Complete ONE of the given
Task A
The task in this
programming assignment is to implement an agent that
plays the Max-Connect4 game using search. Figure 1 shows the first few
moves of a game. The game is played on a 6x7 grid, with six rows and
seven columns. There are two players, player A (red) and player B
(green). The two players take turns placing pieces on the board: the
red player can only place red pieces, and the green player can only
place green pieces.
It is best to think of the board as standing upright. We will assign a
number to every row and column, as follows: columns are numbered from
left to right, with numbers 1, 2, ..., 7. Rows are numbered from bottom
to top, with numbers 1, 2, ..., 6. When a player makes a move, the move
is completely determined by specifying the COLUMN where the piece will
be placed. If all six positions in that column are occupied, then the
move is invalid, and the program should reject it and force the player
to make a valid move. In a valid move, once the column is specified,
the piece is placed on that column and "falls down", until it reaches
the lowest unoccupied position in that column.
The game is over when all positions are occupied. Obviously, every
complete game consists of 42 moves, and each player makes 21 moves. The
score, at the end of the game is determined as follows: consider each
quadruple of four consecutive positions on board, either in the
horizontal, vertical, or each of the two diagonal directions (from
bottom left to top right and from bottom right to top left). The red
player gets a point for each such quadruple where all four positions
are occupied by red pieces. Similarly, the green player gets a point
for each such quadruple where all four positions are occupied by green
pieces. The player with the most points wins the game.
Your program will run in two modes: an interactive mode, that is best
suited for the program playing against a human player, and a one-move
mode, where the program reads the current state of the game from an
input file, makes a single move, and writes the resulting state to an
output file. The one-move mode can be used to make programs play
against each other. Note that THE PROGRAM MAY BE EITHER THE RED OR THE
As part of this assignment, you will also need to measure and report
the time that your program takes, as a function of the number of moves
it explores. All time measurements should report CPU time, not total
time elapsed. CPU time does not depend on other users of the system,
and thus is a meaningful measurement of the efficiency of the

Figure 1: Sample Max-Connect Game (15 moves in)
Interactive Mode
In the interactive mode, the game should run from the command line with
the following arguments (assuming a Java implementation, with obvious
changes for C++ or other implementations):
interactive [input_file] [computer-next/human-next]
For example:
java maxconnect4
interactive input1.txt computer-next 7
- Argument interactive specifies that the program runs in
- Argument [input_file] specifies an input file that contains
an initial
board state. This way we can start the program from a non-empty board
state. If the input file does not exist, the program should just create
an empty board state and start again from there.
- Argument [computer-first/human-first] specifies whether the
should make the next move or the human.
- Argument [depth] specifies the number of moves in advance
that the
computer should consider while searching for its next move. In other
words, this argument specifies the depth of the search tree.
Essentially, this argument will control the time takes for the computer
to make a move.
After reading the input file, the program gets into the following loop:
- If computer-next, goto 2, else goto 5.
- Print the current board state and score. If the board is
full, exit.
- Choose and make the next move.
- Save the current board state in a file called computer.txt
(in same
format as input file).
- Print the current board state and score. If the board is
full, exit.
- Ask the human user to make a move (make sure that the move
is valid,
otherwise repeat request to the user).
- Save the current board state in a file called human.txt (in
same format
as input file).
- Goto 2.
One-Move Mode
The purpose of the one-move mode is to make it easy for programs to
compete against each other, and communicate their moves to each other
using text files. The one-move mode is invoked as follows:
one-move [input_file] [output_file] [depth]
For example:
java maxconnect4
one-move red_next.txt green_next.txt 5
In this case, the program simply makes a single move and terminates. In
particular, the program should:
- Read the input file and initialize the board state and
current score,
as in interactive mode.
- Print the current board state and score. If the board is
full, exit.
- Choose and make the next move.
- Print the current board state and score.
- Save the current board state to the output file IN EXACTLY THE SAME
- Exit
Sample code
The sample code needs an input file to run. Sample input files that you
can download are input1.txt
and input2.txt.
You are free to make other
input files to experiment with, as long as they follow the same format.
In the input files, a 0 stands for an empty spot, a 1 stands for a
piece played by the first player, and a 2 stands for a piece played by
the second player. The last number in the input file indicates which
player plays NEXT (and NOT which player played last). Sample code is
available in:
- Java: download files maxconnect4.java,
Compile on omega using:
maxconnect4.java GameBoard.java AiPlayer.java
An example command line that runs the program (assuming that you have
input1.txt saved in the same directory) is:
java maxconnect4
one-move input1.txt output1.txt 10
- C++: download file maxconnect4.cpp.
Compile on omega using:
g++ -o maxconnect4
An example command line that runs the program (assuming that you have
input1.txt saved in the same directory) is:
maxconnect4 one-move
input1.txt output1.txt 10
- Python (Version 2.4): download file maxconnect4.py
An example command line that runs the program (assuming that you have
input1.txt saved in the same directory) is:
one-move input1.txt output1.txt 10
The sample code implements a system playing max-connect4 (in one-move
mode only) by making random moves. While the AI part of the sample code
leaves much to be desired (your assignment is to fix that), the code
can get you started by showing you how to represent and generate board
states, how to save/load the game state to and from files in the
desired format, and how to count the score (though faster
score-counting methods are possible).
Measuring Execution Time
You can measure the execution time for your program on omega by
inserting the word "time" in the beginning of your command line. For
example, if you want to measure how much time it takes for your system
to make one move with the depth parameter set to 10, try this:
time java maxconnect4 one-move red_next.txt green_next.txt 10
Your output will look something like:
real 0m0.003s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.001s
Out of the above three lines, the user
line is what you should report.
The assignments will be graded out of 100 points. There is also upto 15
possible extra credit points.
- 40 points: Implementing plain minimax.
- 25 points: Implementing alpha-beta pruning (if correctly
implemented, will algo get 40 points for plain minimax, you don't need to
have separate implementation for it)
- 20 points: Implementing the depth-limited version of
minimax (if
correctly implemented, and includes alpha-beta pruning, you also get
the 40 points for plain minimax and 25 points for alpha-beta search,
you don't need to
have separate implementations for those).
- For full
credit, you obviously need to come up with a reasonable evaluation
function to be used in the context of depth-limited search.
- A
"reasonable" evaluation function is defined to be an evaluation
function that allows your program to consistently beat a player who
just plays randomly.
- 5 points: Include a file, eval_explanation.txt
(can also
use .pdf, .doc or .docx),
that explains the evaluation function used for depth-limited search.
- 10 points: Include in your submission an
accurate table
of depth limit vs CPU runtime (for making a single move using one move
mode) when the board is
empty. Document the number of measurements for each entry on the table.
All measurements should be performed on omega. Your table should
include every single depth, until (and including) the first depth for
which the time exceeds one minute.
Task B
The task in this programming assignment is to implement, a knowledge
base and an inference engine for the wumpus world. First of all, you
have to create a knowledge base (stored as a text file) storing the
rules of the wumpus world, i.e., what we know about pits, monsters,
breeze, and stench. Second, you have to create an inference engine,
that given a knowledge base and a statement determines if, based on the
knowledge base, the statement is definitely true, definitely false, or
of unknown truth value.
Command-line Arguments
The program should be invoked from the commandline as follows:
wumpus_rules.txt [additional_knowledge_file]
For example:
wumpus_rules.txt kb1.txt statement1.txt
- Argument wumpus_rules.txt specifies the location of a text
containing the wumpus rules, i.e., the rules that are true in any
possible wumpus world, as specified above (once again, note that the
specifications above are not identical to the ones in the book).
- Argument [additional_knowledge_file] specifies an input
file that
contains additional information, presumably collected by the agent as
it moves from square to square. For example, see kb3.txt.
- Argument [statement_file] specifies an input file that
contains a
single logical statement. The program should check if, given the
information in wumpus_rules.txt and [additional_knowledge_file], the
statement in [statement_file] is definitely true, definitely false, or
none of the above.
program should create a text file called "result.txt". Depending on
what your inference algorithm determined about the statement being true
or false, the output file should contain one of the following four
- definitely true.
This should be the output if the knowledge base entails the statement,
and the knowledge base does not entail the negation of the statement.
- definitely false.
This should be the output if the knowledge base entails the negation of
the statement, and the knowledge base does not entail the statement.
- possibly true, possibly false.
This should be the output if the knowledge base entails neither the
statement nor the negation of the statement.
- both true and false.
This should be the output if the knowledge base entails both the
statement and the the negation of the statement. This happens when the
knowledge base is always false (i.e., when the knowledge base is false
for every single row of the truth table).
that by "knowledge base" we are referring to the conjunction of all
statements contained in wumpus_rules.txt AND in the additional
knowledge file.
note that the sample code provided below stores the words "result
unknown" to the result.txt file. Also, the "both true and false" output
should be given when the knowledge base (i.e., the info stored in
wumpus_rules.txt AND in the additional knowledge file) entails both the
statement from statement_file AND the negation of that statement.
The wumpus rules file and the additional knowledge file contain
multiple lines. Each line contains a logical statement. The knowledge
base constructed by the program should be a conjunction of all the
statements contained in the two files. The sample code (as described
later) already does that. The statement file contains a single line,
with a single logical statement.
Statements are given in prefix notation. Some examples of prefix
notation are:
M_1_1 B_1_2)
M_1_2 S_1_1 (not (or M_1_3 M_1_4)))
M_1_1 (and S_1_2 S_1_3))
M_1_2 (and S_1_1 S_1_3 S_2_2))
B_2_2 P_1_2)
Statements can be nested, as shown in the above examples.
Note that:
- Any open parenthesis that is not the first character of a
text line
must be preceded by white space.
- Any open parenthesis must be immediately followed by a
(without any white space in between).
- Any close parenthesis that is not the last character of a
text line
must be followed by white space.
- If the logical expression contains just a symbol (and no
the symbol should NOT be enclosed in parentheses. For example, (P_1_1)
is not legal, whereas (not P_1_1) is legal. See also the example
statements given above.
- Each logical expression should be contained in a single
- The wumpus rules file and the additional knowledge file
contain a set
of logical expressions. The statement file should contain a single
logical expression. If it contains more than one logical expression,
only the first one is read.
- Lines starting with # are treated as comment lines, and
- You can have empty lines, but they must be totally empty.
If a line has
a single space on it (and nothing more) the program will complain and
not read the file successfully.
There are six connectives: and, or, xor, not, if, iff. No other
connectives are allowed to be used in the input files. Here is some
additional information:
- A statement can consist of either a single symbol, or a
connecting multiple (sub)statements. Notice that this is a recursive
definition. In other words, statements are symbols or more complicated
statements that we can make by connecting simpler statements with one
of the six connectives.
- Connectives "and", "or", and "xor" can connect any number
statements, including 0 statements. It is legal for a statement
consisting of an "and", "or", or "xor" connective to have no
substatements, e.g., (and). An "and" statement with zero substatements
is true. An "or" or "xor" statement with zero substatements is false.
An "xor" statement is true if exactly 1 substatement is true (no more,
no fewer).
- Connectives "if" and "iff" require exactly two
- Connective "not" requires exactly one substatement.
The only symbols that are allowed to be used are:
- M_i_j (standing for "there is a monster at square (i, j)).
- S_i_j (standing for "there is a stench at square (i, j)).
- P_i_j (standing for "there is a pit at square (i, j)).
- B_i_j (standing for "there is a breeze at square (i, j)).
ALLOWED. Also, note that i and j can take values
1, 2, 3, and 4. In other words, there will be 16 unique symbols of the
form M_i_j, 16 unique symbols of the form S_i_j, 16 unique symbols of
the form P_i_j, and 16 unique symbols of the form B_i_j, for a total of
64 unique symbols.
The Wumpus Rules
Here is what we know to be true in any wumpus world, for the purposes
of this assignment (NOTE
- If there is a monster at square (i,j), there is stench at
all adjacent
- If there is stench at square (i,j), there is a monster at
one of the
adjacent squares.
- If there is a pit at square (i,j), there is breeze at all
- If there is breeze at square (i,j), there is a pit at one
or more of
the adjacent squares.
- There is one and only one monster (no more, no fewer).
- Squares (1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2) have no monsters and no
- The number of pits can be between 1 and 11.
- We don't care about gold, glitter, and arrows, there will
be no
information about them in the knowledge base, and no reference to them
in the statement.
Sample code
The following code implements, in Java and C++, a system that reads
text files containing information for the knowledge base and the
statement whose truth we want to check. Feel free to use that code and
build on top of it. Also feel free to ignore that code and start from
You can test this code, by compiling on omega, and running on input
files a.txt,
and c.txt.
For example, for the
Java code you can
run it as:
CheckTrueFalse a.txt b.txt c.txt
and for C++, you can do:
-o check_true_false check_true_false.cpp
a.txt b.txt c.txt
enumeration of the 264 possible
assignments to the 64 Boolean variables will be too inefficient to
produce answers in a reasonable amount of time. Because of that, we
will only be testing your solutions with cases where the additional
knowledge file contains specific information about at least 48 of the
example, suppose that the agent has already been at square (2,3). Then,
the agent knows for that square that:
- There is no monster (otherwise the agent would have died).
- There is no pit (otherwise the agent would have died).
the agent knows whether or not there is stench and/or breeze at that
square. Suppose that, in our example, there is breeze and no stench.
the additional knowledge file would contain these lines for square 2,3:
(not M_2_3)
(not P_2_3)
(not S_2_3)
can assume that, in all our test cases, there will be at least 48 lines
like these four lines shown above, specifying for at least 48 symbols
whether they are true or false. Assuming that you implement the
TT-Entails algorithm, your program should identify those symbols and
their values right at the beginning. You can identify those symbols
using these guidelines:
- Note
that the sample code stores the knowledge base as a LogicalExpression
object, whose connective at the root is an AND. Let's call this
LogicalExpression object knowledge_base.
- Suppose that you have
a line such as "B_2_3" in the additional knowledge file. Such a line
generates a child of knowledge_base that is a leaf, and has its
"symbol" variable set to "B_2_3". You can write code that explicitly
looks for such children of knowledge_base.
- Suppose that you
have a line such as "(not M_2_3") in the additional knowledge file.
Such a line generates a child of knowledge_base whose connective is
NOT, and whose only child is a leaf with its "symbol" variable set to
"M_2_3". You can write code that explicitly looks for such children of
way, your program will be able to initialize the model that TT-Entails
passes to TT-Check-All with boolean assignments for at least 48
symbols, as opposed to passing an empty model. The list of symbols
passed from TT-Entails to TT-Check-All should obviously NOT include the
symbols that have been assigned values in the initial model. This way,
at most 16 symbols will have unspecified values, and TT-Check-All will
need to check at most 216 rows in
the truth table, which is quite doable in a reasonable amount of time
(a few seconds).
The assignment will be graded out of 100 points.
- 40 points: submitting an appropriate wumpus_rules.txt file
that can be
used as the first command-line input to the program, according to the
propositional logic syntax and symbols defined above. The file should
contain logical statements corresponding to the wumpus rules stated
above. For each of the 8 rules, you need to determine if you need to
add any statements to wumpus_rules.txt because of that rule, and if so,
what statements to add. Correct handling of any of the eight rules is
worth 5 points.
- 12
points: satisfying the efficiency requirement, terminating in less than
120 seconds when the additional knowledge file specifies values for at
least 48 of the 64 symbols.
- 48
points: correctness of results. In particular, 12 points will be
allocated for each of the four output cases, and you get those 12
points if your program always produces the correct output for each of
those four cases
How to submit
Implementations in C, C++, Java, and Python will be accepted. If you
would like to use another language, make sure it will compile on omega
and clear it with the instructor beforehand. Points will be taken off
for failure to comply
with this requirement.
The assignment should be submitted via
Canvas. Submit a
directory called assignment5_<task>_<net-id>.zip (no other
of compression
accepted, contact the instructor or TA if you do not know how to
produce .zip files). The directory should contain source code and the
wumpus_rules.txt file.
Including binaries that work on omega (for Java and C++) is optional.
The submission should also contain a file called readme.txt, which
should specify precisely:
- Name and UTA ID of the student.
- Which Task you have chosen
- What programming language is used.
- How the code is structured.
- How to run the code, including very specific compilation
if compilation is needed. Instructions such as "compile using g++" are
NOT considered specific.
- Insufficient or unclear instructions will be penalized by
up to 10