- Consider the technique of propositionalization. For each
of the following two knowledge bases, decide if propositionalization
can be applied successfully. If not, why not?
KB 1:
for-every x: king(x) and greedy(x) => evil(x)
brother(Richard, John)
KB 2:
for-every x: king(x) and greedy(x) => evil(x)
brother(Richard, John)
- Textbook exercise 9.19, parts (a), (b), (c) (second
edition), exercise 9.24, parts (a), (b), (c) (third edition).
- Textbook figure 10.3 in 3nd edition (figure 11.4 in 2nd
edition) provides a description for a deterministic version of the
blocks world. We want to make a modification to that description, so as
to model a nondeterministic version, in which the effect of action
move(b, x, y) is sometimes on(b, y) and sometimes on(b, table). How
would you modify the description of the move action to make it reflect
the above two possible outcomes of move(b, x, y)?
- In the nondeterministic blocks world described in the
previous exercise, suppose that the initial state and the goal are as
as follows:
Initial state:
On(A, Table) and On(B, Table) and On(C, Table) and Block(A)
and Block(B) and Block(C) and Clear(A) and Clear(B) and Clear(C)
On(A, B) and On(B, C)
Is there a conditional plan that achieves this goal with guaranteed
success? If yes, list the sequence of actions in that plan. If no,
explain why not.
Is the following function P a valid probability function? If you answer
"no", explain why not.
P(day == Monday) = 0.4
P(day == Tuesday) = 0.4
P(day == Wednesday) = 0.2
- Is the following function P a valid probability
function? If you answer "no", explain why not.
P(day == Monday) = 0.4
P(day == Tuesday) = 0.4
P(day == Wednesday) = 0.2
P(day == Thursday) = 0.1
- Is the following function P a valid probability density
function? If you answer "no", explain why not.
P(x) = 0.1, if 10 <= x <= 20.
P(x) = 0 otherwise.
- Is the following function P a valid probability density
function? If you answer "no", explain why not.
P(x) = 0.01, if 10 <= x <= 20.
P(x) = 0 otherwise.
- Compute P(fire | alarm), given the following information:
P(alarm | fire) = A
P(alarm | not fire) = B
P(fire) = C
- We are given the following information:
P(fire) = 0.1
P(earthquake) = 0.2
P(flood) = 0.4
- Suppose that we do not know whether fire, earthquake,
and flood, are independent events. Can we compute the probability
P(fire and earthquake and flood)? If yes, what is P(fire and earthquake
and flood)?
- Suppose that we know that fire, earthquake, and flood,
are independent events. Can we compute the probability P(fire and
earthquake and flood)? If yes, what is P(fire and earthquake and
- Suppose that we know that fire, earthquake, and flood,
are not independent events. Can we compute the probability P(fire and
earthquake and flood)? If yes, what is P(fire and earthquake and
- Compute P(commute time < 20 min | temperature
> 80), given the following joint probability distribution:
Commute time 40-60 Fahrenheit 60-80 Fahrenheit above 80 Fahrenheit
< 20 min 0.1 0.05 0.1
20-40 min 0.2 0.1 0.1
> 40 min 0.05 0.1 0.2
- For the Bayesian network shown in textbook figure 14.2: is
P(Earthquake | Alarm) larger, equal to, or smaller than P(Earthquake |
Alarm and Burglary)? You can either (not recommended) compute both
probabilities, or (recommended) provide an intuitive (but correct)
justification for your answer.
- For the Bayesian network shown in textbook figure 14.2: is
P(Earthquake | Alarm) larger, equal to, or smaller than P(Earthquake |
Alarm and MaryCalls)? You can either (not recommended) compute both
probabilities, or (recommended) provide an intuitive (but correct)
justification for your answer.
- We are building a decision tree to determine if the next
car of a person will be a regular car or a minivan. We have 100 cases
as examples. The following is true for those cases:
- 40 people bought minivans. Out of those 40 people, 30
people were over 35 years of age, and 10 people were under 35 years of
- 60 people bought regular cars. Out of those 60 people,
12 people were over 35 years of age, and 48 people were under 35 years
of age.
What is the entropy gain of selecting the "over 35 years of age"
attribute as a test for the root node of the decision tree?
- Given a set of training examples, is there always a
decision tree that perfectly classifies all training examples in that
set? If yes, prove your answer. If no, provide a counter example.
- There are two types of candy bags, type A and type B. Both
types of bags contain an infinite number of candies. A bag of type A
contains 80% chocolate candies and 20% vanilla candies. A bag of type B
contains 40% chocolate candies and 60% vanilla candies. The prior
probability P(A) of having a bag of type A is 0.99, and the prior
probability P(B) of having a bag of type B is 0.01. What is the
posterior probability that we have a bag of type A if the first candy
that we pick is a vanilla candy?