Assignment 2
Game Playing Problem
Max possible score:
- 4308: 100 Points [+20 Points EC]
- 5360: 100 Points [+20 Points EC]
Task 1
Max: [4308: 100 Points,
5360: 100 Points]
task is to build an agent to play a modified version of nim (called
red-blue nim against a human player). The game consists of two piles of
marbles (red and blue). On each players turn they pick a pile and
remove one marble from it. If on their turn, either pile is empty then
they win. The amount they win is dependent on the number of marbles
left (2 for every red marble and 3 for every blue marble). So if on the
computer player turn, it has 0 red marbles and 3 blue marbles, it wins
9 points.
Your program should be called red_blue_nim and the command line
invocation should follow the following format:
<num-red> <num-blue> <first-player> <depth>
- <num-red> and <num-blue> are required. (Number of red and blue marbles respectively)
- <first-player> can be
- computer - computer starts the game followed by human [default option if <first-player> is not given]
- human - human starts the game followed by computer
- <depth> only used if depth limited search (Extra Credit) is implemented.
On Computer turn, the program should use MinMax with Alpha Beta Pruning to determine the best move to make and perform the move.
On Human turn, the program should use a prompt to get the move from the human user and perform the move.
The program should alternate between these turns till the game ends
(when the players run out of either red or blue marbles). Once the game
ends, calculate who won and their final score and display it to the
Extra Credit (20 Points):
If your program determines computer move by using depth limited MinMax
search with alpha beta pruning then you will be given 20 points extra
credit. You will need to come up with a eval function to use with the
program also. Please submit a text file describing the reasoning behind
your eval function for full credit.
How to submit
Implementations in C, C++, Java, and Python will
be accepted. Points will be taken off
for failure to comply
with this requirement unless previously cleared with the Instructor.
Create a ZIPPED
directory called <net-id> (no other
of compression
accepted, contact the instructor or TA if you do not know how to
produce .zip files).
The directory should contain the source code for the task (no need for
any compiled binaries). Each
folder should also contain a file called readme.txt, which
should specify precisely:
- Name and UTA ID of the student.
- What programming language is used for this task. (Make sure to
also give version and subversion numbers)
- How the code is structured.
- How to run the code, including very specific compilation
if compilation is needed. Instructions such as "compile using g++" are
NOT considered specific if the TA needs to do additional steps to get
your code to run.
- If your code will run on the ACS Omega (not required) make a
note of it in the readme file.
- Insufficient or unclear instructions will be penalized.
- Code that
the TA cannot run gets AT MOST 75% credit (depending on if the student
is able to get it to run during a Demo session).