I get many emails from master students who are interested in reserach.
I would like to get research experience in my lab. May I join your lab as a master student?
Below you can find my advice. TLDR, if you plan to pursue PhD after your master, it might be a good idea to experience research in my lab. If you plan to industry career, it might not.
You can contact me and discuss your interest. However, if you want to get a job after graduation, doing research with me might not be helpful. You might get a better chance for the job by preparing the coding interview. The research takes time to produce a meaningful outcome. And the research is a full-time job. For example, it is common that it takes more than two years before a phd student can produce a paper or meaningful software. However, this can be too late for the master students who need something to show to potential employer during first semester and third semester. Doing research is more beneficial for those who consider phd program after graduation.
Still there are many masters student working in my lab. I encourage you to contact them.