High-Throughput Data Analysis for Proteomics and Genomics in conjunction with BIBM
High-throughput (HT) data acquisition technologies, such as DNA microarray, protein micrarray, tissue microarray, mass spectrometry, 2D gel or fluorescent microscopy, have being increasingly used in basic biomedicine and clinics for a wide range of biomedical applications. Advancement in computational data analysis is necessitated to keep pace with new HT technologies due to the nature of biological data, for example, small sample size while high-dimensional features (genes, proteins). With the enormous observation sets, biologists seek to make sense of this growing body of data from which meaningful inferences about biological processes can be drawn. Because of the uniqueness of HT data, classical computational data analysis methods need to be fostered and revisited to meet the indispensable needs from the wide biomedical community. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on high-throughput data analysis to share and communicate the technical challenges and discoveries. All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Research papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics: Applications of high-throughput (HT) data analysis to computational biology problems: ,
DNA microarray data analysis ,
Protein microarray data
analysis ,
Gene/Protein biomarker
discovery ,
Pathway study ,
prediction/classification ,
Mass spectrometry data analysis ,
2D gel analysis ,
Gene regulatory network study ,
protein-gene interactions ,
Protein selection and
sequencing Computational
advances in HT data analysis: , Supervisied-, Unsupervised-, and Semi-supervised Feature selection for high dimension data , Binary or multi-class Classification , Clustering , Outlier removal , Small sample size and classification/clustering performance , Data preprocessing , Performance evaluation , Graph theory , Pattern discovery , Statistical signal processing