What to do after reading a paper

We read a lot of papers. I thought it would be beneficial if I document how I organize the summary. Sometimes, I am in a hurry and read a lot of papers before summarizing them. This results sometimes in anxiety and even worse what you learned will be easily lost. By following standarized procedure for reading papers, I hope I can overcome this.

My procedure 2.0 (Updated 2/1/2011)

  1. After you read the paper, move it to one drive.
  2. If you have hand-written annotations in the printed paper, replicate it on the file.
  3. Add the print to the binder.
  4. Add new entry on the paper references database in HLAI wiki. HLAI wiki is built using notion service.
  5. If there is interesting images, add them to the wiki page.
  6. Add comments in the wiki page. A few place holders will be following.
    • Summary What is this paper about?
    • Good What are good points?
    • Bad What are my criticism?
    • Implication How I can use this work? What will be different from my approach?
    • Future Readings Include some more references
  7. (Optional) If the paper is highly relevant and you might write about it in other documents (papers, grants), or there is a comment worth sharing with the rest of the world, write a blog post in the homepage. Here is an example post.
  8. (Optional) If the paper is worth sharing with the lab members, organize a paper seminar to disseminate it.

2/1/2021 Update Previously, I used mind mapping to see overview of the paper. But as the number of papers grow, it was difficult to see it in the mindmaps (mindmeister, mindmup). Thus I switched to notion for the management. Also writing summary posts takes too much time while I still believe it is helpful. Thus I created a default pass for normal papers and an optional pass for highly important papers. Below is my original procedure for the record.

My procedure (Original)

  • After you read the paper, move it to google drive.
  • If you have annotation with pen and highlighting marker, replicate it on the file.
  • Add the reference to the reference mindmap. I embedded the mindmap in the post.
  • If there is an interesting pictures, save photos to the google drive Paper figures folders and attach it into the mindmap.
    • You might change the filename of the captured image such that you can upload it to homepage.
    • Copy those figures to homepage/static/img folder.
  • Start summarizing the paper in the mindmap. A few place holders will be following.
    • Summary What is this paper about?
    • Good What are good points?
    • Bad What are my criticism?
    • Implication How I can use this work? What will be different from my approach?
    • Future Readings Include some more references
  • After summarizing them, add those summary in the homepage review post. Here is an example post.
  • Finally, if the paper is worth sharing, add the paper to HDILab journal with the link to the summary post such that it can be shared.

Below is my mindmap for the related papers to artificial general intelligence.
