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CSE 6331, Section 002, Spring 2017

Advanced Topics in Database Systems: Spatial, Temporal, Spatio-Temporal, and Moving Objects Databases

Reference Books

  1. Spatial Databases, by Shekhar and Chawla, published by Prentice-Hall, 2003
  2. Spatial Databases with Applications to GIS, by Rigaux, Scholl, and Voisard Morgan Kaufmann 2002
  3. Moving Objects Databases, by Guting and Schneider, Morgan-Kaufman, 2005.
  4. Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL, by Snodgrass, Morgan-Kaufman, 2000.

Course Content

This course is divided into two parts.

In the first part, we will cover concepts of Spatial, Temporal, Spatio-Temporal, and Moving Objects Databases. The topics to be covered include:

  1. Spatial Database Concepts (from reference book (1)).
  2. Temporal Database Concepts (from reference book (4)).
  3. Spatio-Temporal and Moving Objects Database Concepts (from reference book (3)).
  4. Additional Topics (if time permits).

Following this, there will be a test. This is the only test, and will count for 35% of the course grade.

In the second part of the course, each student will: (1) make one presentation on a recent database research topic related to spatial, temporal, or moving objects databases, (2) write a report on the topic of the presentation, and (3) do a programming project. The programming project can be done in a group of 2 students, or individually.

Paper Presentation

The research topic for each student will be based on papers from the latest database conferences. Papers will be assigned during the first three weeks of class. A schedule for paper presentations will be made available once the papers are assigned. Each student will present on one primary research topic, and is responsible for reading related papers in order to understand the background and related research (a list of other related papers must be referenced in the presentation). Your presentation should concentrate on describing one primary paper in detail, with reference to other closely related papers if needed to give the background for the research and to make the presentation clear.

Report on Research Topic

You will write a report summarizing the research topic you studied. You must read at least 2 related papers and include their references/summary in the research report. However, the report should focus on the primary paper. The report should be between 6 and ten pages (double-spaced).

Programming Project

This will be related to some aspect of spatial, spatio-temporal, map, or moving objects databases, and can be done individually or in a group of two students. A list of possible project topics will be made available as the topics are being covered in the first part of the course.


  1. Quizzes and class participation: 10%.
  2. Midterm Test: 35%.
  3. Research Presentation: 20%.
  4. Research Report: 10%.
  5. Project demo: 15%.
  6. Project report: 10%.


If any student needs special accommodations because of a disability, please contact the Instructor during the first week of classes.

Academic Honesty

You are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. This means that plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. Plagiarism will be assumed, until disproved, on work that is essentially the same as that of other students. Your work must be your own. This refers to tests and programming projects. Should you be found to be cheating, at a minimum, you will fail that assignment and a letter will be sent to the Department, the College of Engineering, and to the Graduate School. The Instructor reserves the right to stronger action should the situation warrant it.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering