Jesus A. Gonzalez Web Page
CSE5311-05 Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2019
Teaching Asistant
- Office: TBA
- Office hours: TBA
- The Role of Algorithms in Computer Science
- Getting Started
- Growth of Functions
- Divide and Conquer
- Sorting Part A
- Sorting Part B
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Algorithms
- B - trees
- Minimum Spanning Trees Prim's algorithm example, step by step
- Single Source Shortest Paths Bellman Ford example, step by step
- All Pairs Shortest Paths
- Maximum Flow
- Multithreaded Algorithms
- NP-Completeness
- Midterm 1, TBD
- Midterm 2, TBD
- Midterm 3, TBD
Your will make a presentation about a topic in the algorithms textbook that you choose but that is not covered in class. Please, follow the next guidelines:
- Feel free to complement your topic with material found in other textbooks and/or research papers.
- Throughly understand the algorithms so that you are able to:
- Describe how the algorithms work.
- Describe the algorithm's computational complexity.
- Provide examples of the practical use of the algorithm.
- Make your presentation according to all the previous points.
All the previous will be taken into account to assign your grade.
Exercises Sessions