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Education Experience Publications Teaching Projects Contact

Old Teaching Material

Below is some of the teaching material from the 2 courses I instructed for various semesters at UTA: Embedded Systems 1 and Electronics for Computer Engineering. The material consists of lecture slides, lab assignments, tutorial videos, and misc. files that I didn't want collecting dust in my hard drive. Hopefully someone might find some use in it.

Embedded Systems 1

PIC18F452 QwikFlash Board

The old version of CSE 3442 - Embedded Systems 1 taught at UTA revolved around microcontroller programming and interfacing. Specifcally using the PIC18F452 and PIC18F4520. Sometimes aboard the QwikFlash developmental board and sometimes standalone breadboarding. The class now revolves around more current TI boards and controllers. Below are my old lecture slides and labs from the last semester I taught the course (Fall 2018). They might be useful to someone first learning about PIC microcontroller programming. I loved teaching this course and it was one of my favorite times in all of college.

Electronics for Computer Engineering

DIY Electronics Robot Project

I taught the CSE 3323 - Electronics for Computer Engineering course at UTA for 2 semesters. I was a TA for many more semesters under 2 different instructors, Dr. Gergely Zaruba and Bill Meszko. I was the TA when Dr. Zaruba created the course within the CSE department so we were able to launch and build a class from scratch. Dr. Zaruba has incredible knowledge of everything electronics, I learned more from him than I did in my undergraduate courses. It was a truly fun course where we could design and build any circuit we desired. When I was in charge of the course, every class meeting was in the lab, no classroom. Lectures were not from presentation slides but solely given on the whiteboard with student interaction. I loved my time in the lab with the students, they taught me a lot.

Below are 5 tutorial videos I made for students in regard to using the schematic and PCB design software EAGLE. I made these videos in Jan. 2019, so beware if EAGLE updates changed anything. I go through the PDF slides below, add commentary, and in real-time complete a SCH and PCB from scratch. I promise it's not THAT boring.

EAGLE Tutorial.pdf